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  1. C

    whats your preference like?

    My preference is straight. Oh, UAC. 1. B Engineering, University of Newcastle. That's about it, really.
  2. C

    Israel's Sharon in serious condition

    They didn't take it, they fucking own it. The entire arab world declared war on israel and the kikes kicked your arses again and again. So cry about it. Edit: Plus the Israelis are stupid for even giving you some back, I mean do they think if they give enough back that the Muslim extremists...
  3. C

    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    God forbid someone in this day and age should ever have to do something they didn't feel like! How "gay"! Don't they know we have 'rights'? RIGHTS!
  4. C

    What's your dream overseas course?

    But your cock is tasty
  5. C

    What's your dream overseas course?

    B Terrorism (suicide bombing) @ U.Palestine
  6. C

    = ) Organisation tipies!

    You can download them for free at just so long as you have the internet. Which, err, you do.
  7. C

    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    "It does not mean you would have to do military service or be an army cadet," he said to the Sydney Morning Herald. "The community service could take many forms, from being an army cadet to helping with chores at the local retirement village. It could be helping community groups or churches or...
  8. C

    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    Community service. But nation wide. So... national, community service. Not as a soldier. Sif give any Australian youths guns. Without ranting about the evil of gun control, I'll just say most of us wouldn't know what to do with one.
  9. C

    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    Fuck I hate the way good ideas are transformed into something completely different by the media. Most notably the idea of storing radioactive material underground in Australia being hyped into "turning Australia into the world's dump" or some shit. Like with all the imagery of the green...
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    But what happened to
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    Yeah but that's because you're INSECURE and otherwise you'd be more like "Goddamn, she should quit annoying me"
  12. C

    what's the furthest you've gone?

    In that case I've been to third base, more times than I feel comfortable admitting to.
  13. C


    That FWD is silly. Our national motto isn't even "In god we trust". We don't even HAVE a national motto.
  14. C

    What Type of Pen do you Use?

    I agree. They're almost kinda sexy. For a pen, anyway.
  15. C

    Original MSN Location?

    Go to the add/remove programs in control panel and you can remove it.
  16. C

    i got 30 uai can i still make it to UNI

    What does school rank have to do with anything?
  17. C

    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    Ok, thanks for the answers. Were the rules for interpretation established back then?
  18. C

    Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

    So how do you know the entire Koran wasn't solely for people in the ? In other threads I recall Muslims posting that they believe the Koran is the word of God, and, perfect (so people can't write anything like it). They also said that if you were to cchange even a few words of its...
  19. C

    Restrict Middle Eastern Immigration Now

    I like how you're so conditioned that even if a sensible suggestion were to be made (not that there really has been one yet) regarding restriction of immigration from certain regions where the culture of its inhabitants is incompatible with the majority of Australian culture, you go completely mad.