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  1. Shadowdude

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon To get back on track: \int \frac{dx}{1+x^{\frac{1}{4}}} gogogo
  2. Shadowdude

    Should I go to the FINS1613 lecture?

    i know, i watched the relevant episode of HIMYM
  3. Shadowdude

    Should I go to the FINS1613 lecture?

    well, as an alternative to: "*blank stare*" i also use "m8" so that might direct you to a right answer
  4. Shadowdude

    2012 campus food guide?

    don't you people just like... bring sandwiches from home or something you're not supposed to eat out 5 times a week!
  5. Shadowdude

    UAC applications open

    what do you think
  6. Shadowdude

    Seriously considering dropping FINS 1613...

    (it was my sixth reason. sixth reason.) exactly. so maffs for then and arts for now perfect plan.
  7. Shadowdude

    2012 campus food guide?

    maybe because we have like class, and a lunchbreak we'd like to utilise...?
  8. Shadowdude

    Seriously considering dropping FINS 1613...

    My friend was telling me about this super hot girl that was doing it. Problem was, I saw her about thirty minutes prior to this friend telling me about her... ...making out with some Asian guy (not me). i was not impressed Microecon and Accounting are amazing compared to Finance.
  9. Shadowdude

    2012 campus food guide?

    That's why you sit in the Pavilions upstairs which is an actual room to keep away from the wind. Plus, there's a Vietnamese place there too.
  10. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    My English essay is due this coming Monday. I haven't done any of those except DEs.
  11. Shadowdude

    Should I go to the FINS1613 lecture?

    m8 i'm not raj koothrappali
  12. Shadowdude

    Need help with a TITLE FOR MY STORY! Please help!

    It's hard for people who haven't read the story to give it a title. You have to read through it yourself, I think, and figure out a title. Because that title is the first thing the markers will read - and it has to be something striking, or interesting, and something that makes the markers go -...
  13. Shadowdude

    UAC applications open

    if i must. Established =/= better. Just because you're the oldest uni doesn't mean you're the best. Well, if the first thing is true - that kind of cheapens your Advanced Maths degree, imo. Advanced Maths at UNSW means you have done Honours. While Advanced Maths at Sydney does not...
  14. Shadowdude

    Difference between universitys

    Subjects, difference in teaching... lots of things are different. So you do research on your course.
  15. Shadowdude

    10 or 12 units for year 12?

    I did 14 because I liked all my subjects. So do what you want, really.
  16. Shadowdude

    Is this true?

    No it is not true. The cut-off is independent of what preference you put it as. So if the cut-off is 90 and two people put the course as 1st and 9th respectively, they both get in - if they have an ATAR of 90 or higher. Simple.
  17. Shadowdude

    UAC applications open

    Oh there are some... gl finding them though
  18. Shadowdude

    UAC applications open

    Yeah if you want to sit on uncomfortable old wooden chairs and tables...