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  1. C

    To the guy who posted the topic that 2u maths paper was easy...

    I found it very hard and got 92 external (and as overall hsc mark). That was lower than most of my internal marks, but I'm glad [for the Board of Studies' fudging of numbers] to get 92 considering I didn't attempt a whole question of the paper. I bet what971 found it so easy because...
  2. C

    Disabled people

    Unlike with racism, there's no political gain to be made by helping out disabled people, so despite the fact that a huge 20% of us have some form of disability, they'e pretty much ignored.
  3. C

    Restrict Middle Eastern Immigration Now

    I call for the annexation of Normandy to England. That is all.
  4. C

    30 or less

    I agree, I'm just saying that according to the Department of Education, schools can no longer 'officially' do that.
  5. C

    wen wud u get children?

    Edited for truth. Perhaps the sheep would be more obliging.
  6. C

    30 or less

    Because the Department of Education doesn't want any kids to have their feelings hurt. It's the same reasoning that kids are no longer 'graded' in years 1 - 9, and can no longer be told their ranks in any courses from years 7 - 10, and there's now only one mathematics course instead of three...
  7. C

    wen wud u get children?

    I'd say in about nine months from last night.
  8. C

    parents gifts for getting good in hsc ? or no gifts :(

    Hello there good sir... May I interest you in some spoons? Slightly used, only $0.75/kg... You couldn't STEAL them this cheaply! Yay for free money from the Uni.
  9. C

    Time to stand against racism

    I see. So if I don't like what someone is doing, all I need to do is convince them that it's racist to do so and they will immediately cease for fear of being racist. Of course racism is a problem when people act on it in such a way that the law is broken; I'm not disagreeing with that, by...
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    Perhaps the Pope should excommunicate the pagan idol Santa Claus, and declare all his worshippers heretics.
  11. C

    Time to stand against racism

    The guy they showed on the news shouting out their slogans was wearing a "no blood for oil" shirt, I think that says something about the kind of people there. Anyway, have the left considered, and would they protest: - Difficulty of integration of Lebanese Muslims into society relative to...
  12. C


    There's no denying there's more Christians in this country than the other religions. If the proportions of say, Christians and Muslims was switched, more attention would surely be paid to say, the Fast of Ramadan than Christmas. (no offence if that's a bad example of a Muslim religious event)
  13. C

    Time to stand against racism

    But how does labelling 5000 people racists and making slurs at John Howard help fix the problem?
  14. C

    Time to stand against racism

    Everyone who screams 'racist' is part of the problem, not the solution.
  15. C


    How is it ignorant of other religions? For every nativity scene do we now have to have an adjacent statue of Buddha, Vishnu, Allah and Shylock?
  16. C

    any one knoe how many poeple got 89 in a subject?

    Haha... I got one in Ancient History.
  17. C

    The First Kiss

    Don't lie, it doesn't make you friends.
  18. C

    The First Kiss

    ogm liek mi 1st kiss wuz so gud, she wuz liek 'zomfg dat wuz da best kiss eva'. Not rly.
  19. C

    got a fetish?

    What the hell kinda sick freak has a fetish for star trek races? Hi