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  1. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    The one about the water was D, the one with the mole ratios was A.
  2. C

    things of interest

    The light will appear to be travelling away from you at 299792458m/s :p
  3. C

    Trick question? Shipwrecks and salvage

    The consensus in the other thread appears to have been that it was just a metal/metal displacement reaction, not a cell.
  4. C

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    Covering absolutely every aspect in a 7 mark question is like a skill all in itself... You can have the most complete, throrough explanation ever, that covers everything, justifies it with reactions/calculations, but if you leave out a particular key word (eg. explain it without using the actual...
  5. C

    The Haber Process Question

    I'm not sure what you mean, I had the curve I drew connecting up with the printed curve at T2.
  6. C

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    I would have thought that because the iron is constantly undergoing reduction because of the magnesium, it cannot corrode.
  7. C

    The Haber Process Question

    Question for maths/chemistry people... I know H2 and N2 went down, and NH3 went up, but should the curves have been concave up or concave down? I had the H2 and N2 curves concave up, and the NH3 curve concave down.
  8. C

    Section I - Personalities

    sif you wouldn't just attribute everything akhenaten related to Redford.
  9. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    D is correct because: HCl is a strong acid, therefore its conjugate is an extremely weak base, too weak to actually act as a base. H2SO4/HSO4 are an acid/base conjugate pair, but HSO4 is amphiprotic and is not guaranteed to act as a base. H2PO4/PO4 are not a conjugate acid/base pair...
  10. C

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    Abtari: I said everything you mentioned but also included the words 'galvanic cell', do you think I'll lose marks for including incorrect information?
  11. C

    this years exam - band 6 cutoff?

    Has anyone ever gotten a 100? (In any of the sciences)
  12. C

    school rankings

    The school's ranking is not taken into account. The ranking of a school is just indicative of the likelihood of there being a large number of talented students at the school and hence your internal mark being dragged up by said elite students' extremely high external exam marks.
  13. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Me too, then. *hi five*
  14. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    THANKYOU! I bet you'll all listen to him, just because he knows what he's talking about more often than I do.
  15. C

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    You may be right, but that's not the reason. In physics, it's because it's politically incorrect to expect physics students to also be maths students. That is, they decided to make the physics course accessible to even those who failed year 10 maths (it only requires ~year 8 level...
  16. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    The 0.15 seems very much correct to me; I went through all the equations backwards with the mole ratios and that's what I got. Ions.
  17. C

    measons or muons???

    Use 'muons' in the exam, in both the standard model in Q2Q and proof of time dilation in Space.
  18. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Acetate ions was the only base that wasn't extremely weak (Cl-), not a base at all, or not the conjugate of the acid. Only B can be correct in the nuclear q'n, for reasons I don't care to explain again, read my post on page 3. Electrons moving is an inference not an observation.
  19. C

    shipwrecks, corrosion n conservation

    That 7 mark question was SO english-ish. I don't see why they even bothered with the statement at all, why not just ask us directly about methods of preventing corrosion? There's enough to talk about for it to be a 7 mark question without the need for "discuss this statement, with reference to...
  20. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Physics. Quanta to Quarks topic.