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  1. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    No, if they're very small, it can be proton to neutron. Hence positron-beta decay. Two reasons: 1. Consider the Manganese ion, Mn7+. It has less electrons, but does not become radioactive. 2. B is the most correct answer. Once you get past a certain sized nucleus, the coulombic force...
  2. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Electrons have NOTHING to do with radioactivity. Silly chemists and your electrons. So glad I never have to do this subject again.
  3. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    sif it wasn't B, C, B, D, B, A, C, A, D, C, A, B, C, D, A.
  4. C

    WHO left early?!

    Hah, out of some 12 people in my class there was 2 left at the end. I used the full 3 hours.
  5. C

    Chemistry - General Thoughts

    lol, yeah. Oh, was the Lead Acid Cell the big square one, or the little round one? Fuck I hope it was the big square one; I have absolutely no idea about the batteries, and I pretty much made it up using the std. potential reactions with Lead and MnO4, lol.
  6. C

    What mark do you think you got?

    That was the most english-esque question I've yet seen in a science paper.
  7. C

    Just Got Back!! God That Sucked

    Aww, poor shelly. That paper wasn't as terrible as it could have been, unlike the guy above me I thought those were the easiest multiple choice of any chem exam I've ever done (usually they're heaps tricky). I admit I'm not going to get many marks on a lot of the long answers though, eg...
  8. C

    The Official post-Chemistry Support Thread

    Haha yes, it was no where near what I thought it was going to be, namely testing all the nasty dotpoints that hadn't been tested yet. Much easier than it could have been. (I'll still only get like 83 though)
  9. C


    Jesus Christ, these things should NOT be discussed in PUBLIC. *goes back to reading the bible*
  10. C

    The Official post-Chemistry Support Thread

    What if we break down prior to the exam? (like, right now)
  11. C

    Your opinion on 'night before study'

    Well, I didn't study for Ancient History at all in the week leading up to it (I've been obsessed with physics lately) and strangely enough today I remembered everything quite well (I'd been studying it reguarly since the trial, though). I'm just hoping the same thing happens tomorrow with...
  12. C

    Top mark for chem?

    It really isn't easy to get that, even if you are super-great at chemistry. It's quite possible to answer every question correctly and get like 90.
  13. C

    How many people left early?

    It was like the exodus, and the 1 hour mark was Moses. Seriously.
  14. C

    Peircings or tattoos make a difference??

    What if she was particuarly attractive and intelligent and maintained interests or personality traits not entirely incompatible with your own, but coincidentally happened to have a penchant for dressing like a 'retarded aussie punk with piercings everywhere (yes, even the face) and listened to...
  15. C

    Some Tips

    Your explanation is biology, which is just offensive... nah. That formula comes from Newton's law of Universal Gravitation and F = ma, where the little g is accelration due to gravity. (I'm not insult u by typing up the "derivation")
  16. C

    things of interest

    So for your example we've got 1.5/(1.5625) = 0.96c. And if they were both going at .99c, you get .99995c, which implies that, as v --> c, then v + v --> v. This would be due to the object gaining more mass rather than velocity, right?
  17. C

    Some Tips

    Jordan is the last question in 2004. It's famous because it didn't give you that much info (only time of flight) and you had to "think" about it to realize what you had to do. (it's well established what you had to do now because there was a lot of discussion about it, but at the time it might...
  18. C

    Adv. English is a Joke.

    Stop spamming this in every forum
  19. C

    Who's Totally Screwed For Chemistry

    The headlines after the chem exam is marked: Casmira fails Chemistry Exam Board officials murdered by Greek Mafia
  20. C

    Adv. English is a Joke.

    It's a crying this shame this rant has been made as many times as it has. We know. As much as I dislike postmodernism, I'm going to have to go with them and say THIS HAS BEEN SAID 100000 TIMES BEFORE BY LOTS OF PEOPLE. There's nothing we can do about it. And seeing as you're '05, why...