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  1. C

    Who's Totally Screwed For Chemistry

    Hehe, I'm so gonna fail, I don't know any of the pracs, not many of the equations and only a few of the big long "application to society" type dotpoints that are worth like 8 marks.
  2. C

    Who's Totally Screwed For Chemistry

    Is there anybody else who should be studying for Chemistry right now but isn't?
  3. C

    Do it all again

    From, say, Arts to Medicine?
  4. C

    Who nearly had a heart attack with Akhenaten?

    It was a general question on Akhetaten; it's straight outta the syllabus. You could talk about any of the buildings there, its purpose (why he built it in the first place), religious significance and even its impact on his reign overall... (c) was terrible, there certainly isn't 12 marks...
  5. C

    Do it all again

    It's not a bad idea really, lots of people take a year off between the HSC and uni to work or travel, since you already know everything you woudln't have to spend much time studying anyway, you could work or do whatever, and after a year have a top UAI to get into whatever uni course you want.
  6. C

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    You will still get a mark for Pausanias.
  7. C

    How many people left early?

    Haha, there's about 20 people in my class, so naturally there was about 18 in the exam to begin with, and at the 1 hour, five minute mark there was exactly 4 remaining. I used the whole time. (did I mention that I go to a VERY elite school?)
  8. C

    Do it all again

    If I did the HSC again, I'd do cool subjects like 4u Maths, Latin and Cosmology, (as opposed to lame subjects like chemistry) hence defeating the purpose of doing it again anyway (namely, already knowing everything and getting an awesome UAI).
  9. C

    mr heisenberg

    It's true. Neils Bohr was Danish, to whoever asked before.
  10. C

    Five minutes reading time completely inadequate!

    I wrote down all Question Numbers (2, 72 and I can't remember the others) Part Numbers (the letters) and parts before I went in, so I could go straight to them. I also ripped the paper apart and put the unnecessary parts on the floor to keep them out of my way. Consequently, 5 minutes reading...
  11. C

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    I broke it into paragraphs on: - Role as mothers - Education of women - Social privileges and how the Greek Writers thought of Spartan Women - Role as heiresses and estate managers - Participating in religion, festivals and leisure activities And I also mentioned perioikoic/helot...
  12. C

    General Thoughts: Ancient History 2005

    They're not allowed to. The syllabus dotpoints were a definative list of exam questions; if you compare the questions from 01 to 05 to the syllabus you'll see they're word for word taken out of the dotpoints, with a question mark stuck on the end.
  13. C


    Yes, putting more pressure on your system causes you to write faster and pushes the exam paper to completion more quickly :D (that HP stuff is so wrong, for so many wrong reasons)
  14. C

    General Thoughts: Ancient History 2005

    The last in a series of lame, dry papers in what has been a lame, dry syllabus. Not that it matters to us now, but I hope next year's new syllabus is a lot better.
  15. C

    Section I - Personalities

    Anyone do Akhenaten? It was odd how they went back to the 2001 Mark Distribution (5/8/12) after the 3 years of 5/10/10. I didn't think there was enough to talk about for Akhenaten part (c) for 12 marks, so I talked about Amenhotep III's Sed Festival influencing him, and how Horemheb used...
  16. C

    physics madness!!!--raw mark??

    Physics, huh? Well if my memory serves me right, 100% scales to 100, 99% scales to 60, So for 84 or 85, we're looking at about 99.7%.
  17. C

    Section III, IV - Historical Periods

    Heh, I did Akhenaten/ NK Egypt, and the Horemheb question fitted nicely with the 'attempts to suppress memories' question... I got to use a lot of the same ideas in 2 sections :D The horemheb question in NKE was also exactly the same as in my trial and a past question... too easy. Only wrote...
  18. C

    Section II - Ancient Societies

    I did the long answer question for Sparta, namely the one on women. It was quite good, because I read a brilliant essay not long ago off the resources here that answered this question perfectly. Edit: But yeah, it was a bit odd how there's some dotpoints that haven't been tested yet, and...
  19. C

    Who hates this week?

    Don't worry, lots of people do both chemistry and physics, so they're all in the same situation. And you can always just do what I'm doing, and totally neglect one in favour of the other.
  20. C


    The terms Work function, cutoff frequency and kinetic energy of photoelectrons do not appear anywhere in the syllabus. However, they were all part of Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect, which IS in the syllabus. There have never been any HSC questions asked on work function...