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  1. C


    The failed brazil experiment is proof that if you attempt to grow large amounts of crops for the specific purpose of making ethanol to use as your main fuel, the economy doesn't like it. While if you use it on a small scale like we do here it's effective. It's easier to argue against it...
  2. C

    Too late?

    Maybe it's better to drop than to have "band 1" appear on your HSC for a particular subject. Not that anyone actually looks at your HSC though.
  3. C

    Some Tips

    Max height = v²sin²@/2g Aah, 3 unit maths. ... Actually, they could well ask about two Australian scientists, namely, the Braggs :p
  4. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Don't you hate it when people make assumptions based on small pieces of information... Anyway,
  5. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Yes, yes I have. Relevance?
  6. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Indeed. The fact that your daddy's gonna buy you a degree from UNSW so you can look down on 'lower' universities whilst the majority of the world's population are too poor to even consider the privilege of tertiary education says far more about you than it does about UWS.
  7. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    I'm from Newcastle, so I guess by the stereotypes that makes me poor, uneducated, alchoholic and probably a wife beater. Does anyone outside of USyd and maybe UNSW actually care about University rankings?
  8. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Location: North Shore. That's more than enough explanation as to your snobbery.
  9. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Wow, it actually turned out to be THIS thread.
  10. C

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Not if the tutor writes you an essay for English and all you have to do is memorise it, thanks to the Board's lovely catering to memorised essays in their exam questions.
  11. C

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    You can even buy love, too.
  12. C

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    You mean they're gonna own 3 times as much stuff as us in the future? :p
  13. C

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Cry me a river... Seriously, you don't even need tutors for the HSC, and people who pay for tuition are just suckers. Tutors know this well.
  14. C

    Some Tips

    As far as I know, if they ask for "validity", that means controlling variables, whereas "reliability" is repeating to eliminate error and improve accuracy of results.
  15. C

    Addicted to V?

    What do you mean? The board of studies are a lovely organisation, who have our mental wellbeing in mind at all times. I'm yet to find any evidence to the contrary.
  16. C

    Addicted to V?

    I agree, wholeheartedly. Ok, well it was pretty ordinary, although it seems to have made PaleReflection go crazy. Whether this is a bad thing is yet to be seen.
  17. C

    Addicted to V?

    Well that's just awesome then.
  18. C

    Addicted to V?

    Aww... U might wanna look here, through. And change your clock to 3am, I don't wanna be responsible for u missing something important today, like... breakfast.
  19. C

    Addicted to V?

    Don't lie, it doesn't make you friends.
  20. C

    Addicted to V?

    That sounds good. I'll get some appeal forms. It's wrong to be studying at this time anyway. YOU go to sleep! I'm gonna stay up until 2am/3am to see if the world spontaneously ends when the clock gets pushed forward. All in the name of science.