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  1. C

    What do you wear to the exams?

    I've never heard the word 'mufti' before I came to BoS... Crazy Sydney people and their funny talk. Seriously, when I first read it, I got a mental image of someone going to school with a Muslim religious leader slumped over their back and no clothes on. Unless that's what you actually...
  2. C

    2005 HSC-Harder than previous

    Not as freaky as the shrine I have to him and Charles Prestidge-King in my room. *burns incense, sacrifices a cow and worships before the altar*
  3. C

    Photoelectric Effect Question

    Increasing the frequency gives photons greater energy, according to E = hƒ. Now, if the frequency is such that the energy of the photon is greater than the work function of the material, an electron will be ejected by each photon absorbed. If the frequency is increased beyond this cutoff...
  4. C

    How do you appeal a question..or section in the the paper

    Are you implying that ritalin addicted teenagers frequent bored of st... Oh look, internet porn! On topic: No, you can't. They deliberately ask stupid questions (like that really ambiguous multiple choice from physics last year) to trick people, so it's not straightforward and... Ooh...
  5. C

    Projectile Motion

    Often, but not always, the first step is to use v = u +at to find the time, by letting v = 0 at the max height (stationary point) of the motion, and solving to find the time for half the flight, then using t to calculate whatever else the quesiton asks for.
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    *evilly plots to be coincidentally standing inexplicably close to you when you happen to receive your HSC*
  7. C


    And just so we don't discriminate, all the best to those of us (such as myself) who stare bemused at chemistry and wonder what chemicals the chemistry nerds have been chugging to be able to understand the stuff. ... On topic: Umm... Study all the obscure stuff that you didn't even know was...
  8. C

    Mass Dilation

    Oh, and say we stepped up the velocity to 0.9999999999c, then the mass would be 1.18x10-22kg, so still less than a piece of space dust. Also, the closer you get to c, the harder it is to make it speed up more. So let's say we got a human being with mass 10kg and cannon'd him into space at...
  9. C

    Mass Dilation

    Ok, well what's the mass of a resting neutron? The HSC data sheet says 1.675x10-27 kg, so let's use that. Say if we've got it going at .99c and we fire it off into space, its mass relative to the "stationary" observer on earth will be... (oh, by the way, this isn't really true, since...
  10. C

    Mass Dilation

    Yep. If u look at the equation, if v = c, you have mv = m0/0, and obviously you can't divide a number by zero. Not possible. v is always < c. In particle accelerators they get particles up to 90% (or was it 99%), but never the actual speed of light. This site explains it pretty well.
  11. C

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    This thread makes baby Jesus cry.
  12. C

    Biology exam less than an hour away, feelings?

    I discovered in Maths Extension that if you don't learn half the course, you correspondingly can't answer half the questions.
  13. C

    Quoting from the textbook

    Don't say, like, I dunno, "Akhenaten liked a cigar and a whiskey after a hard day of worshipping the Aten" - Antiquity 2, say "Akhenaten liked a cigar and a whiskey after a hard day of worshipping the Aten" - <The name of whoever wrote Antiquity 2> Or if you can't remember the exact...
  14. C

    Biology exam less than an hour away, feelings?

    English, English, Maths, Maths Ext. Yes.
  15. C

    Quoting from the textbook

    Which textbook?
  16. C

    Biology exam less than an hour away, feelings?

    I might have been on here on the morning of all my exams. Is that bad?
  17. C

    question 19

    Don't laugh, she's gonna get a UAI of 99, what does that say about the rest of us?
  18. C

    Mass Dilation

    Yes, you're right, if something reached the speed of light, it would have infinite mass, and that would cause some serious problems to the universe, and anyone who happened to be inside the universe at the time. Fortunately, nothing can reach the speed of light, so the universe is safe. For now.
  19. C

    A song about the HSC

    He can't explain, he's completely irrational. :p