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  1. C

    Anyone worried specifically about one subject?

    I'm worried that I won't finish in the top 10 (or is it 20?) in the state for physics (the only exam in which I have half a chance of doing so) and thus make my HSC a complete failure.
  2. C

    Contradictory Physics

    Yeah I know, it's just, to paraphrase our Italian friend, "Everything for the Syllabus; nothing outside the Syllabus; nothing against the Syllabus,"
  3. C

    melboune cup vs. IPT exam

    If I had an exam on the 11th I'd probably stand up at the appropriate time, and then continue after a minute.
  4. C

    Contradictory Physics

    I like how in that guide from the SMH, in the physics section, it says specifically NOT to EVER give information beyond the scope of the syllabus because you risk contradicting yourself and losing marks. Why do they teach us this stuff it it's not right?
  5. C

    things you do before the exam

    It took me too long to get pissed and I missed the first half of paper 2. Fortunately the paper was well suited to my memorised (:p) essays, so all was well.
  6. C


    Yeah... But you're from Russia.
  7. C

    your hardest exam....

    How can you guys be thinking ancient history's gonna be hard? Seriously there is like absolutely no thinking at all in that subject, you just remember a whole bunch of stuff and write it out again.
  8. C

    your hardest exam....

    Today I can safely say that I failed maths extension 1 :D
  9. C

    q4 biased toward 4 unit

    *swears loudly* Wow, that question is actually REALLY EASY if you use u = sinx. It is in the 3 unit syllabus, we're expected to be able to figure out what one would differentiate in order to arrive at that.
  10. C

    There is no more maths!!!!!!!!!!

    There will ALWAYS be maths! *walks out of the thread mumbling incoherently*
  11. C

    things you do before the exam

    Consume many ounces of hard liquor.
  12. C

    How do you all Feel?

    I feel hungry, and I've got a headache... Oh, maths. I DID QUESTION 7! *proud* We were lucky, there wasn't anything unusually difficult in the paper. No more maths until.... next year.
  13. C

    How was the exam?

    For a competent student it wouldn't have been very difficult, at least not compared to the [relative] difficulty of the 2 and 4 unit papers... They decided to go easy on us in this paper.
  14. C

    melboune cup vs. IPT exam

    Let's put it this way; What's gonna allow you to earn more money in the future? Your HSC, or betting on horse races? That's right. I'll see you at the TAB.
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    I for one plan to stay on here solely to prey on sweet, sweet underage girls. Did I just say that?
  16. C

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    I once tried to do that during the HSC, then the supervisor started looking me funny, so I told her I was just checking my mobile phone, nothing to be suspicious about.
  17. C

    Addicted to V?

    If caffeine isn't working for you, try amphetamines. If they wear out, then you need to go for a different type of coke.
  18. C

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    Going to post in the "OMG I've finished the HSC thread"... haven't planned beyond that.
  19. C

    The Aus article in reply to SMH article on paper two

    Pointing out people's spelling mistakes on the internet is silly. It was just ironic given the content of your post.