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  1. C

    2005 HSC-Harder than previous

    Err... I disagree. English was by far the easiest since the implementation of the New HSC, with 3 essays in Modules, and 2 of the broadest AoS questions (Section 2 and 3) that I've ever seen. At one point I thought perhaps it was a BoS conspiracy to make everyone get good marks, so it...
  2. C

    The ''OMG I can't wait to post in the OMG I've finished the HSC thread''

    Indeed. "Post in goan_crazy's thread" is number 1 on my "After the HSC List", narrowly, nay, convincingly beating more conventional activities such as "binge drinking" and "promiscuous sex". Optimally I'd like to do all 3 at once, but the girls (and alcohol) aren't as big a fan of the thread...
  3. C

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    THE TINY, TINY DESKS! Aaargh, I hate how at home I have this entire table to spread out all my various paper, stationery and books, while in the HSC you've got 10 times as much paper to deal with, and only 1/10 of the space.
  4. C

    What are you going to do if your UAI = crap?

    You're quite right. Money = Happiness.
  5. C

    The ''OMG I can't wait to post in the OMG I've finished the HSC thread''

    Oh, but you do; if you aren't yet eagerly anticipating the end of the HSC then you can't post here.
  6. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    Oh, I still think I might get a band 6, I'm just disappointed at not being able to have a go at Q10.
  7. C

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    That test was terrible, I felt completely underprepared despite all the past papers I did. The other thing was, as soon as I went into the exam, all my time management and planning and such went out the window, and I just trudged through the exam and didn't even get to attempt question 10 :(
  8. C

    Calling my 20% Brothers and Sisters

    oh well... IT'S OVER! NO MORE MATHS UNTIL... *enrols in a bridging course for uni*
  9. C

    What are you going to do if your UAI = crap?

    Eww... a BA. I'd prefer murder/suicide.
  10. C

    The ''OMG I can't wait to post in the OMG I've finished the HSC thread''

    Coming soon: The "OMG I can't wait to post in the 'OMG I can't wait to post in the OMG I've finished the HSC thread' thread".
  11. C

    Quick question

    1 - r for a positive fraction would be easier... it doesn't make any difference apart from making the calculations have more or less negative signs.
  12. C

    How did everyone go? (Discussion)

    Arrr... Poor time management = No time to attempt Question 10. Seemed a bit harder than last few years.
  13. C

    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    Race is actually just a social construct; it doesn't exist. :rolleyes: Oh yeah, on topic: No. Never.
  14. C

    your ideal partner....

    I reckon any girl who's crazy enough to end up liking me somehow in the first place must have something going for them (or wrong with them) and would therefore be ideal, at least to some extent.
  15. C

    Who else thinks cramming works?

    Indeed. Can I squeeze 7 past papers into one day? I'm willing to find out the hard way.
  16. C


    Do you go to, maybe, a Catholic School? Or something similar that sets ridiculously hard papers that are unrealistic compared to the real thing? If so, it's not that bad, really..
  17. C

    question 10

    Yep, new booklet for each question. With Question 10, firstly as everyone else said, make sure you can get like 100% correct in Questions 1 - 8. (In all the past papers I did today I ended up losing ALL my marks in these questions thru silly mistakes) Also maybe study up on Series...
  18. C

    Who thinks they may fail the exam?

    Get a book full of past papers, and practise question 1 to 7 in all of them. If you get stuck, refer to your school textbook or ask us here. Even from only one day's study (tomorrow) you'll be able to get at least 60% in the exam, which by the Board's generous moderating will appear as like...
  19. C

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    Blargh! I've already done 9 hours worth of exam papers today. What more can I do?