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  1. C

    WOOT Maths Ext

    I am going to fail maths extension 1!
  2. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    That's a bit harsh. Sure, you're only being honest, but still. Oh yeah, B Engineering (Electrical) at Newcastle.
  3. C

    Comfort food... what eases your studying?

    Copious amounts of bread covered liberally with various spreads that all contain near-fatal levels of sugar. :cool:
  4. C

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    I bet at all the elite private schools they set up these big massive office desks and give everyone a big leather chair to sit in, in like, a fully air-conditioned, noise-insulated room, with mind-enhancing classical music playing softly in the background...
  5. C

    2005 HSC-Harder than previous

    Maybe we're just the worst cohort ever. I wouldn't be surprised.
  6. C

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    Really? Ours wear military uniforms with big boots, constantly walk up and down the aisles and whip anyone who shuffles papers too loudly. I think our school got the rough end of the Board of Studies' stick.
  7. C


    Oh no, he's not that bad of a guy, it's really standard practise. It may seem cruel now, but you'll think of it as day to day stuff by this time next year, trust me.
  8. C

    im procrastinating. join in

    Here's something that will keep you entertained for seconds, nay, minutes! Click Here.
  9. C

    im procrastinating. join in

    I am going to fail 3 unit!!
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    physical looks

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    Subjects you regret NOT doing

    lol, lesbian art teachers Stereotypes are even funnier when they're true.
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    Subjects you regret NOT doing

    I reckon you could've done it easy. ... I wish I'd done: - Latin (extension) - History Extension - Cosmology Already doing but I would still have done: - 3u maths - Physics I also wish I'd put more effort into Extension 1 Maths instead of giving up easily. mmm... 15 units.
  13. C

    Ralphs analysis

    The Captain's thoughts, briefly: Q1 - That x³ - 27 caught me out. Aargh. Q2 - Nothing unusual here. Q3 - Same. Q4 - Easy, but Q4 seems like a pretty early part of the paper to put in the obligatory calculus/sketching question, making it more time consuming (in the 1990's papers the...
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    physical looks

    If it was about 'protection', Me (ie. scrawny nerd) with a gun would be sexier than "arnie".
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    What are you going to do if your UAI = crap?

    Rifles and Banjos, huh? Are you sure you're from Sydney and not... I dunno, far north west queensland?
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    What are you going to do if your UAI = crap?

    La Trobe Uni, for the win. I think you can get into their arts or science degree with an asterix.
  17. C

    what really pissed me off about this exam

    All those people who studied with the 1990's and 80's "Two Unit" past papers were fooling themselves, they were ALL significantly easier than the 2001 - 2004 New HSC Mathematics papers. Today's wasn't that much harder than the last 4 years. I found the exam conditions made it feel a bit...
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    In summary, cast all human-like emotions or bonds aside, and cheat, lie and steal your way to number 1 ranking in all your classes, at the expense of your "friends", at all costs. OR YOU WILL FAIL.
  19. C

    3U students - how did u go?

    I have come to the following conclusion: I am going to fail Extension 1 Mathematics.