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  1. C

    mc problems-help.

    Fine. No, it's not directly in the syllabus but neither's everything else since then the 'syllabus' would just be a 5000 page list of all possible exam quesitons; the question involves the basic concept of what a mole/gram is. The multiple choice questions are probably not intentionally...
  2. C

    Addicted to V?

    Hi PaleReflection! You could ask for special provisions from the Board; you can say (quite honestly) that it's part of your culture (make up some obscure ethnicity) that you are completely nocturnal and must sit the exam at, say 9:20pm rather than am.
  3. C

    mc problems-help.

    You're so weird! It must just be you then.
  4. C

    Addicted to V?

    Maybe. It's only a 23 hour day after all.
  5. C

    mc problems-help.

    It's part of the experiment, converting from kj/g to kj/mol, I guess. For 2004, it has something to do with atomic shells and electrons and excitement or something physics-esque that I can't think of now; at any rate we don't really NEED to know -why- only transition metals give a coloured...
  6. C

    mc problems-help.

    Reliability = repetition Validity = conditions C. For the 2003 one: They give you the Heats of combustion in kJ per gram, and want to know which one has 2016 as kJ/mol, so you just multiply each of the given ones (22.7, 29.6...) by the molar mass of that compound and see which one gives...
  7. C

    Year 12 Assessment . .

    Umm... Ethanol and esters? lol, I dunno. There's heaps of links between 2 and 3, but basically none between 1 and 2.
  8. C

    Addicted to V?

    You could have a coffee while you wait.
  9. C

    Addicted to V?

    I thought the only reason this site existed was to kill time until the day's coffee wore off.
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    2002 Hsc

  11. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    They only seem nice to you because you're heartless too.
  12. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    A friend of my dad has a son who did law at uni, passed, became a barrister, defended one dude succesfully and then quit lawyer'ing forever because he knew the dude really did it (some sorta violent crime, can't remember now). No, I don't really think lawyers are evil, I was just going along...
  13. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Way to say what I was about to say. But yeah, clearly lawyers have no conscience...
  14. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    How come all the occupations with high pay are the ones that take advantage of other people's misfortune? Lawyers, psychologists, emo bands...
  15. C

    balmer series question

    It was removed 3 years ago :p
  16. C

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    $ "coz if there's anything the world needs, it's MORE LAWYERS!
  17. C

    Quanta to Quark / Cathode Ray Question

    Crookes' experiments did not demonstrate wave like properties of matter, they proved that cathode rays were electrons. D/G's experiments showed electrons exhibiting the wave-like property of scattering from a nickel crystal, with a measured wavelength that confirmed DeBroglie's hypothesis, h/mv.
  18. C

    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    If anyone on this forum happens to have completed post graduate level mathematics and physics at university, I'm sure they'd be more than willing to show you the general relativity calculations that could clearly show why the space twin aged slower. But for now we have to accept that it's...
  19. C

    What's The Difference

    Theory and evidence is about not being able to accept a theory until there's experimental evidence to back it up. For example, the Aether theory was accepted, until experimental attempts to find it (eg. MM experiment) repeatedly failed. Then you have Einstein's theory of relativity, which at...
  20. C

    chem mon manage woes

    It appears to be because of what they're the conjugate base or acid of. So you can just use the rules, The conjugate base of a strong acid is an extremely weak base, And the conugate base of a weak acid is a weak base, and same way with acid/base switched. The dotpoint doesn't mean we...