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  1. C

    The Haber Process Question

    Hmm... I didn't make any measurements, I just drew it freehand. (they were nice looking curves though...) I don't know if they can mark us down on that, because there's nothing quantitative on Equilibrium in the syllabus. (or maybe there is in Industrial.. i dunno.)
  2. C

    different explainations on pauli's exclusion principle..*confused*

    In 1925, Wolfgang Pauli developed his exclusion principle. This principle states that no two electrons in an atom can have exactly the same quantum state. Electrons are identifiable by four quantum numbers: 1. Principle quantum number (n) – The shell number of the electron 2. Orbital...
  3. C

    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    The dux of my school this year is going to get ~80 UAI, maybe a little higher if I ace physics on friday :D. On topic: People who get premier's awards are awesome.
  4. C

    your hardest exam....

    Not as well as I should have; I screwed up my timing very badly and didn't even get a chance attempting Q10 (I could have done most of it too!). That means guaranteed < 90% raw for me, which is very disappointing considering how I went over the year. Might still scrape a band 6 if I didn't...
  5. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    You may be right. But you're bringing real chemistry into this. Remember, this HSC Chemistry, where the syllabus is king.
  6. C

    Who's looking for a job Post-HSC

    I've never had a job, and I'm getting one shortly after the HSC finishes. It's funny though, because I don't even care about money or particuarly need any, I'm just doing it to pass the time so I don't go insane from having nothing to do :S
  7. C

    school rankings

    I suppose in that case your UAI would be officially 96, (eg. no special awards and such) but effectively 100.
  8. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Starch. Starch. Starch. AAS = Metals. Iodine ions are I-. In the syllabus it talks about AAS to test for cations.
  9. C

    Identify Why the term G-force is used?

    That seems logical.... So on earth when no other forces are acting on us, g = apparent weight / true weight = 9.8N/1kg = 9.8m/s² = 1g Or on a planet with acceleration due to gravity is twice earth, or a rocket launch accelerating upwards at twice acceleration due to gravity, g = apparent...
  10. C

    loud speaker help.

    I'd advise against drawing a diagram if you're using a computer, you know. It takes a while in paint.
  11. C

    loud speaker help.

    In Loudspeakers, electrical signals are converted into sound. These signals are sent to a coil attached to the cone of the speaker. A permanent magnets surround the coil so that a magnetic field exists from the cone outwards. Since current carrying conductors experience a force in a magnetic...
  12. C

    Identify Why the term G-force is used?

    G-forces, also known as acceleration forces, are measured in units of gravitational acceleration. A force of 2g would be 2 times that of the acceleration due to gravity.
  13. C

    Q4+q10 2004 Hsc

    Q4: From your formula sheet, the Mass Dilation Formula: mv = mo/√(1-v²/c²) mv = 8/√(1-.6²) mv= 10kg (by calculator) This is the answer B. That 2 is a typo, they still got the right answer. Q10. You can see that (D) and (C) are wrong straight away, because current, field and force are...
  14. C

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Oh, but they do. More importantly in the 7 mark question in the core section about cleaning water before it reaches the town. I can stand turbidity, maybe even a bit of algae, but i HATE it when I get crocodiles coming in through my tapwater.
  15. C

    The Haber Process Question

    My answer. My explanation: As the volume of the container is decreased, the pressure on the system is increased. N2 + 3H2 <--> 2NH3. The reaction that produces the least number of moles of gas will be favoured. Hence, more ammonia will be produced. The equilibrium moves to the right.
  16. C

    your hardest exam....

    3 Unit maths, because I never bothered to learn half the course (11th unit). I shall pay for that with time spent in the holidays learning maths. Ugh.
  17. C

    male/female australian scientist

    ( is a meaningful and relevant link.(/url) But with square brackets.
  18. C

    male/female australian scientist

    Oh right. It's in the preliminary syllabus... Shows how much I paid attention in year 11.
  19. C

    Some Tips

    After chemistry, I don't think our attempts at making 'predictions' are going to be very successful.
  20. C

    male/female australian scientist

    Is this perhaps meant to be in the VCE forums?