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  1. C


    As I said in some other thread, someone with no physics skills could have read a book on the history and philosophy of science on the night before the exam and passed with some 80%.
  2. C

    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    Haha, wow, if you're telling the truth, that right there is an example of how the BoS is disadvantaging would-be physics students using english. Also, if you are serious, you may be in danger of having your paper cancelled (??) for writing frivolous/objectionable material. I noticed that...
  3. C

    some1 noe answer for the last question

    Ok, here's how it worked: (i) The particle is in a magnetic field, and also has centripetal force (the hint was 'circular path with radius...') so F = qvB = mv²/r Rearranging that, you get mv = qBr. (ii) All of the values for the above were given, except for q, which is 1.602x1019C...
  4. C

    BOS Labs

    I'd say it actually costs them a hell of a lot more than they get from ads to keep the site online, considering the traffic they get.
  5. C

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    Posting in the "OMG I've Finished the HSC" wasn't as amazing as I thought it'd be.
  6. C

    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    What everyone write for this? My answer was basically: "Lovell was referring to the fact that the laws of gravity were now in control of the spacecraft, as these were discovered by Newton". I then described all the factors for re-entry, mentioned how he had no fuel and so he coudln't...
  7. C

    Which Option for You?

    Q2Q was fine, lucky I'd just studied the Imact of the Manhattan Project on society (the 7 marker), the rest were easy, should get 25.
  8. C

    Multiple Choice

    Yeah I did the same... never seen that before.
  9. C

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

  10. C

    Multiple Choice

    Obscure, bizarre questions (orientation of lamination? 'dopant band'? Not in any textbooks I've seen) designed to confuse us with words. Slightly more physics here than in the core section, though.
  11. C

    Predict your HSC marks based on past results!

    Neither does meditation or smoking marijuana, but people still do that. ... I failed the HSC.
  12. C

    Selection of Pens

    It said selection of peNS.
  13. C

    question plz help

    Usually they should specify isotopes, usually deuterium, or maybe a 22He isotope, if such a thing exists.
  14. C

    Graphs and Diagrams..

    I found that part about the nuclear force becoming repulsive again strange, never heard of that before. The picture I posted represents the net force on the nucleons taking distance into account, though; somewhere after the point where dE/dr > 0 on your image is where the coulombic force...
  15. C

    Good Luck Everyone

    Physics is also my last exam... Now that the HSC is over, next year I can go learn some real physics... Good luck kids.
  16. C

    question plz help

    Your data sheet contains the mass of a proton, neutron and electron. Think what hydrogen and helium consist of, and add them up.
  17. C

    Graphs and Diagrams..

    Heh, I was just studying that dotpoint. The graph in the notes I'm using looks like this if Captain Gh3y were to draw it in paint: And the notes add: When the nucleons are very close (< ~ 0.5x10-15 m) the force is strongly repulsive. The force then becomes attractive at separations...
  18. C

    Graphs and Diagrams..

    That's a bit odd if the question doesn't say so anywhere. I don't think that'd happen in the HSC, if you needed one they'd say so.
  19. C

    Graphs and Diagrams..

    Tables and graphs are always good when the question asks you to compare. Other than that, in any question where you're asked to describe something you can physically draw (maybe a motor, cathode ray tube, loudspeaker, experimental apparatus, whatever) a diagram always looks good if it's drawn...
  20. C


    Well... That's beta-negative decay, yes. There's also beta-positive decay, where a proton turns into a neutron and releases a positron and a neutrino. But I'm about 90% sure they can only ask us about beta negative decay.