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  1. C

    That last questionin in section 2 (26 and 27)

    *sigh* F = mv²/r = qvB rearrange to mv = qBr, ie. p = qBr. (ii) substitute to find m (iii) You now have mv, rearrange the mass dilation formula and substitute to find mo.
  2. C

    Q 16 to 24

    As in v = 2πr/T. Yes, I used it. It's allowed, and much faster than using the Fg = Fc method.
  3. C

    Q 16 to 24

    "HSC Exams - Trade them with your friends to collect the whole set!" On topic: Post Q's 25 - 27!
  4. C

    Which is worse?

    Indeed. I intend to sit here and do absolutely nothing whatsoever ('cept post on bos) until my hsc arrives. Nothing at all. *waits*
  5. C

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    Rama_v incorrect Quirky headlines strike again
  6. C

    cant wait until..

    Me! I can't wait to go back to having lots of hot sex! Oh, wait. Nevermind.
  7. C

    guess ur raw mark

    Is it wrong for someone to have had a thorough knowledge of the entire syllabus and to be confident that they were able to address all the relevant course content in even the 'essay' type questions today?
  8. C

    Quanta to Quarks thoughts

    The exclusion principle is not really necessary to explain what Pauli contributed to beta decay, (the neutrino is the main thing). Although now that I think about it, the neutrino idea originally arose from exclusion principle. That's because exclusion principle showed that it is not...
  9. C

    any1 found the einstein question confusing

    Yes... That question's Part three was absolutely ridiculous. (I'm starting to think I know the syllabus better than the people setting the papers) My answers for that question: (a) Einstein predicted time dilation (b) This was experimentally shown when 2 synchronised atomic clocks...
  10. C

    some1 noe answer for the last question

    Really? My final answer for (iii) was similar to seadonkey's, somewhere near 1.66e-27... can't remember exactly.
  11. C

    Multiple Choice

    Question 7 should be cancelled because it's such a shit diagram.
  12. C

    taht 2 tube question?

    I checked with my calculator, the number I got was I² = 4900000 I = 2213.59. Which seems too ridiculously large of a current to be correct... I may have just been off by a factor of 100 due to calculator mistakes.
  13. C

    Multiple Choice

    Do projectiles travel in a straight line? That's right. Therefore the velocity is constantly changing.
  14. C

    taht 2 tube question?

    I meant that you were right for the first part. Yeah, that's what I did, (weight of rod * 9.8) = k*I²/d (I² rather than I1 and I2 because the currents were equal, since they came from the same source) Then I solved for I, and got like 2000 amps, it seemed wrong to have a current that...
  15. C

    taht 2 tube question?

    das ist correct... But how on earth were you meant to calculate the minimum current? I couldn't think how... So I said F due to repulsion had to be such that it was greater than force due to gravity, and got over 2000 amps. I'm sure that's wrong, but I coudln't think what else to do, there...
  16. C

    Question 19 - Apollo 13/Newton in the Driver's Seat

    This is what stopped me from talking about the Slingshot Effect, because (i've forgotten already) didn't it say they did the burn after circling the moon? In the actual slingshot effect with satellites, there's no firing of motors after they swing out of the planet's orbit. Therefore this...
  17. C

    Explain how you assessed the reliability of induction information.

    My answer: Two applications of induction are cooktops and braking. I then very briefly described how e-m braking works. THen I said I got info from the net, textbooks and scientific journals, checked them for consistency, checked their sources. Then I said that the most reliable ones...
  18. C

    Multiple Choice

    Question 15 would be D, right?
  19. C

    Multiple Choice

    More to the point, have we established which were the correct answers yet? If so, post them.