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  1. C

    POST- HSC anxiety

    I wasn't on appear offline all day, it was from like 11pm to whenever you came on! :mad:
  2. C

    POST- HSC anxiety

    I've become like an old granny having naps in the afternoon because someone here has FORCED me to become almost completely nocturnal. FORCED!!
  3. C

    How are you gonna get your HSC results?

    Hahah ur teh fail *is going to get like a band E1 for maths extension*
  4. C

    POST- HSC anxiety

    What are you talking about?
  5. C

    How are you gonna get your HSC results?

    I say we stay up all night on BoS placing bets on who'll get the highest results, then at 6am make fun of anyone who gets a band 4.
  6. C

    what has your schooling life taught you

    High School taught me that I need to get the fuck out of this part of the world because it's full of morons and drug dealers.
  7. C

    POST- HSC anxiety

    ...more like post-HSC boredom!
  8. C

    Where do you stand?

    From what I've seen here and when this site was posted on other forums, the compass seems to have a bit of a bias toward the left compared to everyone's opinions of where they are.
  9. C

    Where do you stand?

    ... *feels like a dirty commie*
  10. C

    POST- HSC anxiety

    Finishing the HSC was the hugest de-motivator ever; so much stuff to do still, but I'm like 'I just finished the HSC, it can wait...'
  11. C

    first gf bf?

    y hello thar *stalking*
  12. C

    what you would do?

    I'd have an ale with Shakespeare in the Boar's Head Tavern.
  13. C


    No, that experiment is not in the syllabus (yeah, it's in preliminary), but it's not about that experiment in any way; you could do the question without having heard of the experiment. It was an application of E = V/d and F = qE from Ideas to Implementations and W = mg from Space.
  14. C


    Not really, it was another poor question that required the students to make certain assumptions, and obviously not everyone sees the diagram the same way. But yeah, the particle did end up being positivelyy charged to balance out gravity, in the same way as Miliken's oil drop experiment.
  15. C

    for future students - find the pattern

    New syllabus next year. Owned.
  16. C

    still wanna go to uni

    The shitness of HSC Physics has tripled my motivation to do the real thing at university.
  17. C

    What next..

    I'll star on his website.
  18. C


    He's right, there's also the time you spend injecting heroin.
  19. C

    Which Option for You?

    Actually, the Board of Studies mark our papers by weighing them and subtracting the the weight of an unused booklet, and the weight of the ink used is converted to a mark.
  20. C

    That last questionin in section 2 (26 and 27)

    Shut up. Diagonal line from where it was about 0.2 (?) photocurrent then jumped up to 8 over the domain of a few eV. 2nd line had the same x-intercept (same cutoff frequency) but sharper gradient.