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  1. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    90? oooh This should be interesting. First year, first semester students trying to guess what they'll get... hmm
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    never heard of it
  3. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    2111 was... pretty good. It was a good level of paper - challenging, but certainly doable. hopefully i'll do well
  4. Shadowdude

    What should i do with this degree?

    You pick what major interests you in the maths side. In first and most of second year Adv Maths, you do certain compulsory courses - which dabbles in each of the three majors (and if your marks are super high, you can go into Quantitative Risk) - and then you pick your major afterward. On what...
  5. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    MATH2011: "Several Variable Calculus" MATH2111: "Higher Several Variable Calculus" MATH2011 exam: 21/6 at 8:45am MATH2111 exam: 21/6 at 8:45am above facts are presented without comment
  6. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    That's actually quite smart... heh. Oh well. We'll see. But yes, sometimes you just have to not play the probabilities. Because if you did - then well... you'd miss out on some really great stuff in life. Like ~love~
  7. Shadowdude

    Cool Integration Problem

    Tell the stories to your friends, by all means. But don't... you know, show off publicly in class or in tutes. It's a bad look - well, for me, it is.
  8. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    Yeah but why not say... MATH2011. Afterwards... apparently (this is what I heard) some of the maths kids near the boundary got distracted by, and I quote, some of the "lookers" in anatomy.
  9. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Yeah but this was over MSN, so I assumed she wasn't you know... blind. playing probabilities True story.
  10. Shadowdude

    Scabbing marks

    I clicked this link expecting a post on exam technique where if you're running out of time, you do the easy bits of the questions you haven't done to 'scab marks' and artificially inflate your score... Not begging your teacher for more marks.
  11. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Yeah that's how it always is. If you go to lectures, be happy that you're one of the enthusiastic ones who bother to go to class. It's a commendable thing! They're missing out. I'm an honourary UWS student.
  12. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    true. woah woah woah, i'll have you know my friend in year 8 or 9 tried to set me up with a girl (which i think was just him trolling, but let's assume it's a real girl) - and the general conversation was sort of like... well, she was like "ohh let's go to the movies" and i said "what movie"...
  13. Shadowdude

    Subjects for Year 11 and 12, help please?

    I don't believe you people - it's like "omfg 14 units its too hard". I did 14 units and it's fine. You just have to time manage yourself. You know the time when I said "enough is enough"? 16 units. After a term of 16 units - I said "nope, can't do it. sorry." I know others in my grade who...
  14. Shadowdude

    Cool Integration Problem

    we have those people at uni too and tbh, we don't really like them because they sound stuck-up, pompous and arrogant So... just a heads up. Like, for example, I was in a car today with some friends and we got on the subject of "him" and it was basically 15 minutes of mocking pretty much...
  15. Shadowdude

    Where can BSc and a major in Maths take me?

    1. At UNSW you need to have done 36 credit points of subjects - so basically... a whole year of study - and you need to have a 70 WAM overall (basically a straight average of at least 70 in all your subjects), and 80 WAM at least for your maths subjects. Quite a task - so not only do you need a...
  16. Shadowdude

    To drop, or not to drop general maths?

    Well, if you don't like it - then you drop it. Simple. And for Extension History, if your school doesn't offer it - then you'll have to go through Open High School or something else if you want to take it.
  17. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    not sure why math2111 were paired with the anatomy kids today but oh well. what can you do.
  18. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    wait wait wait you're going on a first date with her to the movies? uhh i dunno about that move. first dates should be like... you getting to know each other, right? not sitting down for two hours not even looking at each other. (but what do i know) (everything?) or nothing