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  1. Shadowdude

    Commerce Double Major & Electives?

    I'd count as a gen-ed, if you do a single degree.
  2. Shadowdude


    Hmm, yeah my memory might've failed me there.
  3. Shadowdude

    When it all ends...what's everyone thinking of doing for muckup day?

    Dunno Probably was a few if the people ever got to it. In fact, I got caught with a waterbomb in my hand -iirc. But I didn't get in trouble :po
  4. Shadowdude

    Commerce Double Major & Electives?

    So if you plan to do a major stream that makes you have 96 uoc in Commerce automatically - then no, you don't need to use any those extra 48uoc you have in extra Commerce courses - so more free electives for you. Free electives can be used for anything. So if you want to do another ASB major or...
  5. Shadowdude

    When it all ends...what's everyone thinking of doing for muckup day?

    when you're hit in the face with a waterbomb (well, when a waterbomb is broken above your head and the water streams onto your face)... it's a waterfight
  6. Shadowdude


    Those exchange rate things like JPY/AUD and USD/AUD and then you have to calculate JPY/USD based on those, or something like that.
  7. Shadowdude

    can someone mark my essay on speeches?

    Well, the best people to ask this is your teacher or another English teacher. For the HSC, they should expect you to be giving them sample essays for them to look over. I can understand why for an assignment they can't do that - but later on, they should expect these things. Good luck!
  8. Shadowdude

    can someone mark my essay on speeches?

    Hmm... maybe another English teacher at the school?
  9. Shadowdude


    Well, you couldn't take the exam paper out of the room - but it was like... describe technical analysis or something, and then something about call/put options being mixed together (like straddles and stuff) and then I think some swap rates and cross rates. A bit hazy but I think that's what...
  10. Shadowdude

    When it all ends...what's everyone thinking of doing for muckup day?

    Oh yes, I should say that in Year 10 - we decided to 'try' a muck up day thing to celebrate the School Certificate. Some of the year brought waterbombs and started throwing it at each other... and then about two minutes later, basically the Principal, Deputy Principal and Head of Secondary I...
  11. Shadowdude

    4 Majors?

    Considering that majors are like... 48uoc each at least - and then you need to do all the prerequisites... Just talk to someone in the student faculty office about it.
  12. Shadowdude

    GPA Transfer

    On a what GPA point system? 5? 6? 7? Plus it's hard to quantify these things... like GPA has loose connections to WAM - which is a weighted average mark. But ATAR is a completely different thing. GPA depends on marks. ATAR depends on rank.
  13. Shadowdude

    where is the best place to do acturial studies

    I will have to say that I think Macquarie's Actuarial program is perhaps stronger than UNSW's - based on what I've heard and think. However, if you'll be looking to do Actuarial/Finance - I'd say UNSW is the place because although Macquarie's Actuarial may be better - I don't think Macquarie's...
  14. Shadowdude

    can someone mark my essay on speeches?

    In future, the best person to ask would be your teacher. Give it to him/her and ask nicely if he/she could look over it and give it a 'mark' out of 20.
  15. Shadowdude

    North West Rail Link v. Epping to Parramatta Rail Link

    Is there a map that visualises this thing?
  16. Shadowdude

    Girls and social life

    i try :( I've never killed anyone. Except if you mean on video games well... on Battlefield Bad Company 2 I was quite the expert with a handgun. I mean, why go in with an assault rifle and use a whole magazine when two well placed shots or even one well placed shot with a well aimed pistol...
  17. Shadowdude

    Commerce Double Major & Electives?

    For that one... hmm, I will go out on a limb and say that those courses count both towards an Accounting and Finance major. That is, if you take the course and you want to do an Accounting major - it'll count. And similarly for Finance. However, I think it seems counter-intuitive if a 6uoc...
  18. Shadowdude

    Girls and social life

    hey when i was in high school, i was voted "Most Likely to be a Marriage Counsellor" (on an internet forum) but still Also, some of these articles on are really interesting did you know uni students talk about hooking up more than they actually do? hmm
  19. Shadowdude

    Girls and social life

    hey i have to be an expert at this... i've read tons of the "Become an Expert at Picking Up Women" articles on* * - articles may or may not exist