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  1. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread What? I reckon you'd look cool in that. plus you're doing comm/law... you kinda have to get used to wearing such things :p
  2. Shadowdude

    Feel so dumb, Try so hard but still not enough.

    Not true - I know this really great looking girl at uni... and she does Electrical Engineering or something. When I discovered this I was like: "whatisthisidonteven"
  3. Shadowdude

    Post 2012 Semester 1 exam timetables here.

    Compulsory subject for...? You can see if it is by reading its entry in the UNSW Handbook.
  4. Shadowdude

    Commerce required courses

    Plus, I'm sure that information is contained within the Handbook - you should see what students/courses are excluded.
  5. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread only at uws :p (i know, i'm mean)
  6. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread call yourself the 'sexy beasts' pls pls pls pls
  7. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread I remember we had trivia at camp once... and my team was called "The Sexy Beasts" (not my name). We won and then the guy was like "And the winner is: The... ... Beasts!"
  8. Shadowdude

    2012 School Formal !!!

    :( because mirakon is showing a lack of faith
  9. Shadowdude

    2012 School Formal !!!

    m8, if i just ask a girl nicely to hang out with me - she will :( happened like... five times in the last week. (a different girl every time too)
  10. Shadowdude

    Confused on dropping a subject. :(

    Drop it. Short answer is: You seem to be having trouble and you're not coping.
  11. Shadowdude

    Extension essays (help!)

    Essays are essays... I don't really see the problem you have? You should be just doing the same thing for Advanced... for Extension material.
  12. Shadowdude

    Post 2012 Semester 1 exam timetables here.

    Friday 15/6 FINS2624 8:45 Wednesday 20/6 ARTS1030 8:45 Thursday 21/6 MATH2111 1:45pm Monday 25/6 MATH2901 8:45 morning starts :( late finish :( english and maths squished together :(
  13. Shadowdude

    Should i do MX2?

    Yeah that
  14. Shadowdude

    eng advanced

    What's the alternative to Advanced? Standard - which is pretty much the same amount of time. And frankly, in the HSC - it's probably just a test of how well you can regurgitate pre-prepared stuff unfortunately.
  15. Shadowdude

    anyone watch The Voice Australia?

    Stopped watching when Jerson got kicked out. "you have the voice", so i'll just pick the other guy!
  16. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread I'm not sure about the red... but you know. umm, remember who the advice giver is here. But yay, your hair'll be down - i.e. the way it should be :p (also, keratin treatment?) TEACH. (y u so good at finance)
  17. Shadowdude

    I think we all can't wait for the holidays though =P Uni is... alright. I wish I was getting...

    I think we all can't wait for the holidays though =P Uni is... alright. I wish I was getting HDs... Just riding on the Distinction average being dragged down by stupid finance. =( also maffs is gr8
  18. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread What lower half of your hair, your hair's always up...?
  19. Shadowdude

    Most important thing in a partner for you?

    "every hole is a goal!!!!!!!!!"