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  1. Shadowdude


    Isn't it... 0.2?
  2. Shadowdude

    I was thinking of doing extension 2 english

    1. Yes, it involves you writing either a short story, radio drama, poem or series of poems, making a film... or whatever for the year 2. No, because if you're good at English - then this should be a breeze for you 3. Yes, it was my favourite HSC subject.
  3. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread Actually it's so good that next time I play FIFA 12, I'm totes trying that move out. If only I could figure out how to do that intricate, direct and through passing that Barca does... gah.
  4. Shadowdude

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    Well what major in Adv Science? Or how about taking a gen ed? Free elective?
  5. Shadowdude

    Most awkward question you've asked a teacher?

    What how does someone die at camp?
  6. Shadowdude

    "Rob them, they are Asian and they have got money"

    Wait... just read a few posts. Trains have video cameras now?
  7. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread When I saw Torres clear at the end I was like, "That's odd... where the heck did their defenders go?" But thoroughly entertaining match, nonetheless.
  8. Shadowdude

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    Don't you do Adv Maths? There's a page on the School of Maths website where they have sample plans I think.
  9. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Dear secret crush, pls dont be angry with me :(
  10. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Nighty night muhahahahahaha!
  11. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread i dont want you dead :( you're my d8
  12. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Well is she going...? Plus I want to ask her out -in person-, as I did for you.
  13. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Yes but a deal is a deal, a promise is a promise... I will be there. to be your prince because i think you wanted to go as a princess or something
  14. Shadowdude

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    Sometimes they'll open up new classes, or... you just have to fight for spots or ask for special permission.
  15. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread It is? But I held your phone, it's not much bigger than my phone... :inlove: How about when we go to that formal together, you get one extra pick of dishes in the meal swapping agreement? =P
  16. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Wait, if you're not on a PC... what the heck are you on? AND THAT PICTURE IS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL *cries*
  17. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread sure why not (my loverly partner agrees too)
  18. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread <3 you too OUR PICTURE... IT'S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL :cry: :cry: <-- tears of joy And muhahahahahaha... umm, we're not trolling - because we're arranging to go over each other's houses to do stuff. Like watch Eurovision.
  19. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread (is there moar)
  20. Shadowdude

    Loss of motivation

    No, I bossed MATH1241. But stats is disgusting. Got 12/20. Above average though.