nah jimmy eat world would be shit, i'd be pissed if they came all the way to australia for 45 minute sets. i might consider going, just for oldschool shit like saves the day, alkaline trio etc
fucking lol at alice in chains etc
my old car fucked up and it was like 800-ish of repairs so i was like "hmm that sucks, but if i do that then it should last for a while longer .."
i promptly wrote it off like two weeks later :( i'm sorry ben :(
lol cielo
i was at work once and these parents had called their kid cielo, i was like ew be a bit trashier :confused: they weren't even hispanic, they obviously just thought calling their kid heaven in another language would be like lolol so sophisticated .. ew.
sweet car though, even...
do they even make chicken crimpy anymore? i haven't seen them in ages
i remember the multipack ones to take to school had like, little baby chicken crimpys :o
wouldn't they have a thing with similar artists to sfd in sydney though?
that festival is disgusting, man, i feel like building a moat around my work so all the muddy gross pingers walking past can't trash the place again