hahahah yeah I've noticed that drunk/stoned bogans are polite and hilarious.
Thankyou. Nah I start o-week on 22nd. And then classes start the week after so I have no idea how hard or easy it is. All I know is that I've got a really relaxed timetable with only 15 hours of lectures/tutes a week...
oh i see. Good, no jigging is good/ even in the good ol' west. so many did it at my school that I think they made a teacher supervise the carpark at lunch etc.
two days till valentines you mean?? oo oh you better be quick and find one in real life. but you still have your friend so good safety net.
nah he doesn't exist anymore this is computer
computer never jealous, shares admiration for Emma and is happy that she gets exposure
I've moved to Saudi Arabia forever.
do you exist irl anymore?
haha well thankyou, I'm glad my taste in women is "sophisticated". Wow you live in town full of bogans.....hmm that'd be quite an experience. Are they nice bogans (if they exist)? Or do you actually count down the number of days you have until you can move to sydney for uni? I've heard bogan...
arrggh yeah remember the days of having a crapload of assignments etc.
hope you get through them and do well :).
Broadway, as in city shopping centre? jigging school are we?
yeh this friday, gotta hand in some scholarship forms. my friend has to get his id and concession sticker. can't wait to see his photo man, those cameras are wack and he is already pretty dark irl.
well if you see a guy with a silver, somewhat chunky watch say "toga party?" and i'll know it's...
yeh sounds awesome. im invited right? right?
just a quick question is there like a randwick shopping centre near unsw? I can't figure out how far it is from campus (i tried google search but was hoping your personal experience was more enlightening etc.)
hhahah vampirism. edward cullen wannabes were there i suspect. yeah your friend sounds pretty fun to hang out with, adventures galore??
Yes wow you know about that movie. She is filming Napolean and Betsy, it's a romantic tale. Will be awesome.
So that means that I am not "learned" :( coz in...
yeh see that works with girls. i can't imagine two guy mates doing that hahah :confused:.
I'm doing well, went uni shopping and stuff today. got my o-week invite so i actually know what the heck is going on for uni now :).
How are you doing? bored of school yet?