I only wrote about the 5 structured limb, hopefully thats right.
I talked about how the limb was changed in evolution by the type of environment the organism lives in e.g. whales with their flipper thing to help them swim.
I did the pH, l did no ph, 4ml hcl, 2ml hcl, 4ml naoh, 2ml naoh with milk that was heated and the bactierium in each test tube.
hard to explain..l hpoe the examiners understand!
I wrote about choclea implants, hearing aids, myopia and hyperopia (and how they can be corrected) and cataracts.
Oh and l wrote 5 and a bit pages. My writing was spaced out but it was different in areas.
I agreed and disagreed - after all it did say discuss so l agreed and disagreed.
I said some are harmful while others are not which benefit the organism in some way while others can be deadly and kill the organism e.g. cancer.
I hate this dotpoint, l can't do anything with polypeptides - l don't get them at all.
Thanks babydoll for making it clearer :)
Oh babydoll - do we need to know any more of them or any more detail?
Gradualiam is slow and steady change of a species over time.
Punctuated Equilibrium is fast change of a species over time.
I think thats very basic... I would elaborate but l'm drained at the moment :)