I just talked about how getting two sides to a story meant a reader could extract their own truth on the idea without biased views, the style of writing and themes (reality vs appearance) with Hughes and Plath allowed us to get a sense of their personalities.
With 14, you don't know it's a terminator - it could be a router. I hate that question. 19 is 100% B. There is a misprint in Receiver, it should say connection not cable. IMO, 12, 14 and 19 should all be scrapped. Way too ambiguous.
Yes that's metadata too. Metadata is a basically "data that describes data" we learned about it in software design
Schemas and data dictionaries are definitely metadata but I dont think thats what the question was looking for
I only went for schema as it specified relational database when it...
Yeah with the URL question wasnt sure if it meant the actual URL or the just in general
It was like some script or process being run as it had a '=' but I also said it could just be a file located on the website