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  1. LordPc

    1st Year electives

    "6) MATH1081 (Discreete Mathematics) : Avoid at all costs" lol, too late. thx Omium, but Im kind of looking for something outside of engineering (partularly since my last physics lesson was in year 10 :o). history, philosophy, science, arts, those kind of electives.
  2. LordPc

    1st Year electives

    help me out everyone I've got one free elective and, lets be honest with eachother, the choice of electives in semester 2 is limited. so far I've got Psych 1B but there is one more free elective I dont know what to do with. I would like to do a language, but thats semester 1 stuff. history...
  3. LordPc

    Best TV series EVER

    Hmmm. I'd say that the show peaked a decade ago. but its definately not getting any better.
  4. LordPc

    How I met your mother

    lol @ all the laptops in the last episode
  5. LordPc

    Ancient History People

    :o surely you jest? I'd say Octavian would have to be one of the most studied individuals in ancient history. anyway. if you in a class with year 12's (for whatever reason) your teacher would probably cut you a little bit of slack if you went and asked them for help. im sure they'd give you...
  6. LordPc

    Guide to selecting your HSC Courses

    yes you have to do extension english in year 11 to be able to do it in year 12. the same rule applies for pretty much any subject. the only exceptions I know of involve senior science and general maths. also note that to do english extension 2 you have to do english extension 1 in year 11...
  7. LordPc

    The Art Of Cramming? Teach me

    its not really something you can teach. you either have it or you dont but if you want to try it, you just get your textbook and make notes, read through your school work and do questions. and you try to do as much as you can in one night with as few breaks as possible. if you are properly...
  8. LordPc

    What do you do in Economics?

    um, its not in the course. read the moderators post
  9. LordPc


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! 8-9 months is the usual waiting period, perhaps around Jan 2010
  10. LordPc

    How I met your mother

    the show is good but because they have to put in some romance, as is the nature of the show, its not as funny as your typical sitcom. and IMO, the relationships are kind of foggy. the narrator is telling the story of how I (ted) met your (the kids mother) mother. its not necessarily how I...
  11. LordPc

    Hi are these subjects ok i am yr 10 and have to choose soon

    there is only one true essay in the ancient history course and its not like in english. you just have to be able to answer the question using what you know about it. it doenst require any on the spot analysis or creative thinking like you would need for english furthermore, if you look at the...
  12. LordPc

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    did u read my other post about the smartest guy in NSW going to the worst school in NSW? I'd be more likely to agree with tommy. over 50 is getting to be low ranked.
  13. LordPc

    S. Eng vs Comp Sci?

    compare them UNSW Handbook Program - Computer Science - 3978 UNSW Handbook Program - Software Engineering - 3648 i choose CS with the thinking that it would be more hard core computing, like AI, graphics, cryptography, etc, while SEng was similar but it wasnt as hard core. Instead...
  14. LordPc

    does ur school rank really affect ur mark?

    what is low ranked to you? my school is ranked down there, near 400th. is that bad to you? cause it doesnt really restrict our UAI's. we had ~a dozen 90+ in 2008 and a few years ago we had a student who got in the high 99's. if you really want it, school doesnt matter at all.
  15. LordPc

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Im really hoping he will for COMP1927 to complete the pairing.
  16. LordPc

    What would you do in this situation?

    go get a subject drop form. fill out the reason for dropping subject as "art teacher doesn't seem to care about my major work". give it to the teacher to sign it. they will read it. either they will be surprised and you can get them to do something. if they dont seem to care still and they...
  17. LordPc


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! woah, chill man. you sound like a teacher trying to drill "1+1=2" into a bunch of kids. besides, if you have ever watched a sci fi show before you would know the only constant rule is "dead is never really dead" ;) probably wasnt Jacob. I think...
  18. LordPc


    Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here! so, whats up with Christian Shepherd then? was that the Imposter-Locke again in someone elses body? Maybe Mr. Eko's brother as well? hmmm...