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    HI ADOMAD!!! its Chezza btw :) The correct indicator has to be used that is suitable for the range of the acid and based being used. This neutralisation will be shown at the end point (close to equivalence point) so less accurate then using a data logger which will measure the equivalence...
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    iupac, systematic names

    Yes. Numbers are separated by commas and then a dash to link to the words. The numbers in front signal the position of the double and triple bonds. The following show the amount of one element. mono - 1 di - 2 tri - 3 etc. ane - single bond ene - double bond yne - trible bond...
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    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    You quitely smile at the shift in equilibrium when you open a can of coke.
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    question about PVC-help please

    PVC Inclusions of various additives improve the flexibility and thermal stability of PVC. - Its rigidity allows it to be used in water pipes - Its flexibility allows it to be used in garden hoses. - Resistant to oils and most organic materials so it used to make bottles to hold these...
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    For anyone interested...

    Good work.
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    Problems associated with Cobalt-60 in thickness guages. Help?

    Its a gamma emitter - penetrates metal Low energy - safer work place, minimum damage to healthy cells in bodies Radiation still health risk: large costs for safety measures Half-life - 5.3 years: replace frequently so an economic burden Strontium-90 is also used in thickness gauges
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    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: what books should i buy for the pre-lim course? Maths - Cambridge year 11 and year 12 (As some schools do the chapters in different order) Chemistry - Personally, all i bought for prelim was dot point chem. However, for the HSC i highly recommend Jacaranda Chemistry 2 (it is the best!)...
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    Which books do you reckon have the best solutions for sciences papers?

    Odlum and Garner i'd reccomend for the best solutions with its little tips at the bottom. Success One has answers which are highly unlikely to get you a band 6. Creelman's good with its sorted by topics papers.
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    projectile question

    So there is a cannonball fired from the castle as well?
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    prelim physics exams

    No problemz :)
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    Belonging short story

    Go for it. try get it to 850 words.
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    Experiment Write up?

    We had to do it in year 11 and had it in our yr 12 practical for phys. Because it hasn't been assessed yet so even more the chance it mite come in the hsc :)
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    Is chemisty freaking awesome?

    chem ftw!!
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    prelim chem exams

    No problems :)
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    Experiment Write up?

    Part of the skills section in the syllabus.
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    how to study???

    Heyz, have a look here, there's heaps of helpful information:
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    What's wrong with the Halo series

    Multiplayer was good, especially 8 player system link. I really want to play call of duty:warfare 2... Getting new internet, computer and server, it shall be an experience like no other :D
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    Experiment Write up?

    You need to know how to draw a flowchart. She is correct in that. Seperating products from proccesses and inputs. We had to do a flowchart for our physics prac and no-one got full marks for it. When you're doing a practical you should understand what the purpose of you doing it is, and also...
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    No appetite in the morning.

    Don't really like milk in the morning, unless it's with cereal. just eating pizza for a 12oclock brekky though, yummmm
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    Fresh Prince of Bel Air

    watched every episode of ever season! woot. i don't like the new mother. and the butler is the best lol after carlton will's quote: "baby, you must be tired, because you've been running through my mind allll day."