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  1. Crisium

    Missed 2 exams

    my niqqa
  2. Crisium

    Missed 2 exams

    Nothing counts until Year 12 man So no you haven't screwed up Just make the most out of this year with no ragrets
  3. Crisium

    Do you play video games

    It'd be easy to do that but then you'd have to pay for accommodation, the flight there, etc. So your parents are right in saying that you should work hard because you can then get a 99.95 ATAR and get a scholarship that will cover all the costs ^Unless you're rich then I suggest you listen to...
  4. Crisium

    How sick?

    Lol gg he's munted They only do the exam on one day and one day only The most he can get is an estimate if his excuse is legitimate or worthy enough But in this case he's looking at a zero with an excuse as shit as that
  5. Crisium

    about to neck it

  6. Crisium

    HPF’s English Advanced Musings

    Re: HPF’s English Advanced Stuff Legendary advice from a legendary English student, thanks heaps hpf :D Mods need to sticky this
  7. Crisium

    Induction question

    Fuark MIF skills in action
  8. Crisium

    Assignment Fonts

    Lucida Calligraphy On MS Word 2013
  9. Crisium

    The HSC diary of a hay fever pill

    Loving the title All the best with this journal and your HSC studies :D
  10. Crisium

    swagmeister's HSC journey

    Haha you did heaps well in prelims keep up the good work for this year :D All the best with this journal and your studies :jump:
  11. Crisium

    can anyone tell me how they transport the hsc papers after where done with them?

    I'm willing to give away some vital details though If you've got the money that is
  12. Crisium

    can anyone tell me how they transport the hsc papers after where done with them?

    They transport them in bullet proof vehicles, with the CIA closely following, to a secure warehouse that is heavily guarded
  13. Crisium

    "cis" in 4unit maths

    Because it is tedious
  14. Crisium

    "cis" in 4unit maths

    It's a time saver, and that's something you need as 4 unit papers do push you for time Try getting an opinion from another teacher, there's one on this thread, his name is Carrotsticks if you're interested in PM'ing him
  15. Crisium

    I'm so worried about my ATAR?

    If want an estimate do the following: 1) Write down your subjects and your overall ranks (i.e. Final ranks from your yearly report) 2) Include your school rank which you have already done 3) Call upon the EstimATAR Queen by typing in this thread "Adrita is a babe", her estimates are so...
  16. Crisium

    12 units - should I not study for my worst subject?

    @astro and seventh I think he's doing his HSC atm so it's a little too late for that
  17. Crisium

    12 units - should I not study for my worst subject?

    Just study for it man you've come this far It's the final stretch, just give it your all You never know you might even surprise yourself with the mark you could get if you were to study EDIT: Don't do something that you may regret in the future
  18. Crisium

    Roll Call: Class of 2015

    He was joking