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  1. Kwayera

    Compulsory Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander culture uni course proposed

    If it wasn't compulsory, and I was doing a degree in something other than biology/geosciences, I would probably take it because I find pre-colonial civilisations interesting. But compulsorily, it just gets my goat. It's totally irrelevant to my course.
  2. Kwayera

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    'Druggie' implies he habitually abused his prescription medication, which as far as anyone is aware, he did not. His death was an accidental result of overprescription of perfectly legitimate medications, which when combined, had a toxic effect. I'm not defending him, but to call him a...
  3. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Well it's more due to the fact that the stepfather has essentially been cuckolded, biologically. But again, that doesn't usually apply for adoptive situations, due to the social issues attached.
  4. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Yes, and sometimes it fails. The fail rate for the pill is between 0.3% for perfect use and 8% in typical use. What happens then?
  5. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Citation pls. (You are actually correct, but in that situation the stepfathers assume guardianship of children that aren't theirs, retroactively and not necessarily voluntarily - children are usually an adjunct of the persued relationship, with their mother. Adoption by a gay couple is a...
  6. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Why? Especially the latter?
  7. Kwayera

    Clover Moore proposes 3am lockout for ALL NSW licensed premises: no exceptions

    How is this going to reduce alcohol related violence?
  8. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Actually I would argue that human life starts when its brain finishes developing and forming the structures needed to support sentience.
  9. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to katie tully again.
  10. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    That's why you don't quote wikipedia links. I use it as an agglomeration of OTHER resources. See: citations and associated footnotes. :)
  11. Kwayera

    Marine Science = marine biology, geology, geography (geomorphology + GIS), ecology, statistics...

    Marine Science = marine biology, geology, geography (geomorphology + GIS), ecology, statistics, and others :)
  12. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    That one sailed right past me
  13. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Kinsey scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    It is indeed Neb. Tsup fascist?
  15. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I don't know; the strength of your repression makes me suspicious of overcompensation.
  16. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    a) mistranslated, AFAIK; b) are you sure about that?
  17. Kwayera

    Homosexuality in Australia

    See "actually, the scientific articles on wikipedia are generally a reliable dissemination of peer-reviewed research that is not generally available to the public except for dollars expensive"