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  1. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    It's why I'm not against humane euthanasia of the irrecovably braindead. *shrug*
  2. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Not necessarily. There's a school of thought that humanity comes with sentience, or consciousness; a "braindead" person or indeed a foetus may be a member of Homo sapiens sapiens, but that doesn't make them "human".
  3. Kwayera

    When do i go in?

    I meant FOREforeplay :p And yes. Dan, where are you?!
  4. Kwayera

    microwaves anywhere in camperdown campus?

    ORLY?! Which corner?
  5. Kwayera

    What does Christmas mean to you?

    Good food, good times with family, a few good presents. :)
  6. Kwayera

    How to lose weight off my stomach

    He's right. Your starvation reflex kicks in and starts converting every scrap of food you eat straight into fat.
  7. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    You don't - I pick it up and choose a book at random at a time. Half the reason I haven't read the whole thing yet is because it's both mostly boring and extremely horrifying :p
  8. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    I've read all of the NT, and most of the important books of the OT.
  9. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Most of us here present have read most, if not all, of the Bible.
  10. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Ignore good ol' Neb, the billy-goat gruff of NCAP.
  11. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    That's what it says, but hey, I can interpret that any damn way I please. [insert immature "your face" joke]
  12. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    I'm guessing he means the way according to his church. Like, the Catholic way, or the Anglican way, or the Westboro Baptist way, for example.
  13. Kwayera

    Now tell me this isn't evil.

    Save your life?
  14. Kwayera

    When do i go in?

    If you don't "lick her out", then don't expect her to reciprocate orally. Also it helps if you spend a LONG time on the foreplay before getting to the fingering. I mean a LONG time - make out for half an hour, an hour, just kissing and stroking and cuddling. If she's nervous, and she probably...
  15. Kwayera

    NSW student in years 9 to 12 get a laptop

    Or how to utilise grammar, apparently.
  16. Kwayera

    i think i may have ruined the best thing that ever happened to me.

    In Halcyon's defence, the OP probably should have expected some differing opinions. :p
  17. Kwayera


    He does have a point.
  18. Kwayera


    I would advise against using any popular culture text, especially anime (unless it's a classic like the Miyazaki films, and even then warily), in the HSC as a text.