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  1. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    Equity is all about making certain that justice is served. The common law doesn't always provide a remedy, or, if it does, the remedy isn't always adequate. Equity attempts to cater for this. (You might remember from your readings that the old chancery courts developed from the king's...
  2. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    The factual matrix is simply the set of facts surrounding the case. Bulun Bulun didn't 'win' anything - his claims were settled and never made it to the courts. Whilst Bulun Bulun's proceedings might be relevant to Milpurrurru's case, the terms of his settlement probably aren't. The judge...
  3. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    Yes... though you can have the decision reviewed. There is no such form...
  4. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    With reference to your case, the proceedings of Bulun Bulun and Milpurrurru are separate proceedings. Bulun Bulun's claim was settled by consent, and this case deals with the claims pleaded by Milpurrurru. Hence Bulun Bulun's claim would form part of the factual matrix of Milpurrurru's...
  5. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    Procedural history, not material facts. As sugared plum said, Newbie would be "alleging" that Bob stole his jelly.
  6. Lazarus

    other students understanding marks and uai

    The causal link is possible, however, the reasoning may be flawed. Note that the concept of 'failing' is not the same between courses, and makes no reference to a student's rank or the relative differences between students.
  7. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    You receive a statement containing all of your raw marks. You could have any number of reasons. Perhaps you're simply interested. There's obviously no reason to get them unless you actually want them.
  8. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    This isn't true - the raw marks, by themselves, are not meaningful assessments of a student's performance. (This is why the Board goes through all of that aligning to standards business in the first place.) You need to cross-reference those raw marks with the actual examination paper, along with...
  9. Lazarus

    band 5 for standard eng?

    We don't know yet... you'll have to wait until someone manages to obtain their raw marks for Standard.
  10. Lazarus

    Announcement (Re: Tutoring)

    We originally had a small arrangement whereby OLDMAN would challenge students in this forum. :) The advertisement was posted with permission.
  11. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    Yes and no. I'd require far more data than the marks of individual students to actually improve UAI calculations; however, those marks could assist in other ways (such as providing information about raw band cut-offs).
  12. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    I really don't have time to research anything for you - sorry. Partner yourself with someone who is taking legal research.
  13. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    Uh. Past papers and brainstorming. :)
  14. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    The fee is necessary to cover any incidental expenses incurred by the agency when fulfilling your request.
  15. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    I'm not officially encouraging anything... I'm simply making certain that students who have a true interest in knowing their raw marks are aware of the process that needs to be followed in order to get them. :) You would...
  16. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    No. There are differences between the class tests. You can liken it to there being a set of 50 possible questions that could potentially be asked on the test, and then each class test randomly posing 10 of them. (Actual numbers may vary.) However, if you prepare answers for most of the...
  17. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    Well, I applied in July last year... but now that it's been done once, it should only take a few weeks... :)
  18. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    I expect that, if enough interest is shown, a system will be instituted similar to that used for the clerical recheck of examination marks, requiring students to pay a nominal fee to obtain a statement of their raw marks. The Board hasn't expressed any opinion on the issue, though -...
  19. Lazarus

    LAWS1052 in-class test

    Heh, I remember asking that. Arguments founded on public policy do not specifically involve matters of law, but relate to overarching concerns which the advocate believes the Court should weigh up when making its decision. For example... one might argue that allowing the plaintiff to succeed...
  20. Lazarus

    Board of Studies reveals raw marks! (2001)

    Hahah, yes, well, you're all right, I just didn't really want to personalise it. :)