That's why I gave it a go, and it had that guy from comedy inc, the guy who parodies Kevin Rudd. These sketch shows usually have their best jokes at the start of the season but I found the episode pretty poor.
This situation is like a book.
You can pick up a book, read the blurb and the last page in a few minutes and then do other stuff (Like the money option)
Or you can sit down and read the whole thing, but you've wasted a whole day. (the other option)
Wait a minute, never mind that.
But I...
Only one entrance - unsafe for fires - 2/10
Adequate Books - useful for study - 8/10
Adequate Computers - useful for study - 9/10
Hot librarians - distracting from study - 4/10
Little year 7s' running around - 1/10
Sense of warmth? Mild, yes - 6/10
Toilet Facilities - Nil - 0/10
Overall: 5/10
While you count down the days its always good to remember the great memories you had. If you can't think of any good memories, START talking to people in your grade and take photos of them.
You should also try and use the knowledge of not much time left as motivation.
Try to say things like...
I got a cramp in my leg while i was sleeping last night.
It's terrible because just before i got it, i woke up with that feeling knowing its about to cramp up.
loller wtf?
You post shit in one of my threads and then you tell me to be serious.
I'm saying it's happening. I do "believe" it. If I thought it was bullshit I would of said it that.
Oh it's happening alright.
I left a block of ice outside... 2 hours later it was water!
This is only the beginning, its only winter. Just wait until the summer....
It sounds to me that some people are ignoring their noble steeds.
Go to the stable, jump on your noble steed and ride to success!
While you may feel guilty for not doing anything or as much as you wanted, we still have 3 whole days left. So while you may be further behind the track then you...
Guys while a little bit of stress is good, you need to also relax!
Jump onto your noble steeds for a smooth relaxing ride until the end of the holidays; here are some tips:
Try taking a long bath, the warm water and the pleasure of being naked helps ease the body and the brain!
If you...