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  1. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    HAHAHAHAHA thats amazing, did you save up that god damn image because you saw my comeback from a mile away?
  2. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Fapping feels like gripping a pen OA O? God damn, your girth.
  3. WrittenLoveLetters

    Dropping Legal Studies?

    You've answered your own question - you lost motivation for Legal, you don't even care for it and on top of that, you're doing 14 units - its an obvious drop from my perspective. If your other marks are strong (which I'm assuming your Maths is pretty solid because no one who isn't good at MX1...
  4. WrittenLoveLetters

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    OOOH! Thats where my home is o 3o/ *wriggles back in 2016ers*
  5. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Oh my god, yes, this was me - my hand turned into a bitch and bruised (like the fatty part below the thumb) halfway in my last essay for Paper 2
  6. WrittenLoveLetters

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Oh god the 2016ers chat is gone? The ramifications of this discovery is too confronting and provocative for me
  7. WrittenLoveLetters

    Broken wrist

    Misadventure form. Contact the school for a scribe. Keep studying as usual - I believe you can not not do the exam on the day and will end up getting an estimate?
  8. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Oh :( How come you didn't read it? Are you a really slow reader during the 10 minutes?
  9. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    LOL there was a lot of good imagery in there though (despite it making no sense to me)! Like all the fire imagery?
  10. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    YUP THAT. Was like "much beauty, much renewed perception of the world = hella discovery, am i right?" I feel better that a few people shared the same interpretation and that I'm not going to seem crazy to the markers LOL
  11. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Fuck it, I just said that bitch discovered a renewed perception into a new world SIGH
  12. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    There was like a whole paragraph in the last unseen text going off about butterflies though?! LOL
  13. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Mod A was really really good for me! But you didn't do the same texts from memory, right? I feel so nervous and not confident about my English just because I don't know how markers who aren't the markers I'm use to will see it T___T I can't say it was easy or that I did well with too much...
  14. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    ; ____ ; I don't remember why the sea salt kettle chips is a meme
  15. WrittenLoveLetters

    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    Liked Paper II more than Paper I - purely based on how confident I feel LOL (dropping my ATAR goal to 90 after that trauma)
  16. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I did it in A -> C -> make some shit up for B because I can't lose 20 marks
  17. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    How did you go?! Feeling better than the trials? Mod A (TGG & Sonnets): Loved the question & reflected in my 9 pages of small handwriting Mod B (Hamlet): Decent, was actually the same question as my trials + the truth & deceit, tried to shape truth & deceit into morality & corruption Mod C...
  18. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Welcome! I don't know anyone who does Spanish on these forums unfortunately.
  19. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I don't know how I feel. I'm not entirely like "WOW BAND 6 HERE I COME" but I did a lot better in comparison to the answers I'm seeing from people. I just don't know what the teachers will think and thats where I lose my confidence. Short answers were manageable - I didn't interpret anything...
  20. WrittenLoveLetters

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I don't recommend that. If you never get to the 5 marker because you're running out of time - you should be asking yourself if you're working on the low mark questions for too long.