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  1. thehollowowl


    Hey i really appreciate the help. It was very helpful. So thank you to you :D
  2. thehollowowl


    "The other side of being able to belong is being excluded" Soo thats just saying what isnt belonging? WHY DOES MY SCHOOL PICK SUCH GAY TOPICS??
  3. thehollowowl

    Viva Voce

    Okay hope this give you a guide on information you have to look for. By the way, listen to a few of the chosen artists songs so you get a basic understanding of the structure of there music. eg: Binary form rah rah rah
  4. thehollowowl

    Viva Voce

    So hey! im a music student that has alot of difficulty doing vivas. WHY? because i dont know where to START! and i have only ever done vivas twice. And i know some of us here only have a talent in performing. Brilliant at the practical part but when the theory kicks in, it just DOESN'T! consume...