nah m8
I think I'm biased though cos we had really awesome texts for the modules that I love lol whereas for AoS we did the Go Back to Where You Came From doco which just makes me depressed
But what about the people who talk throughout lectures even after being told off by the lecturers and rock up to tutorials half an hour late holding mcdonalds and not able to answer any questions about anything because they haven't done anything :(
edit: they still get my just passing and...
Yeah. Like although sometimes I have regrets, I'm 99% happy with my decision to stick with WSU and for the most part it's fine. I think my least favourite thing about attending this uni is (excuse my bigotry) the fact that despite all of the hard work I put into getting my offer/s, there are...
my old area (where I lived throughout HS) was more Arab than bogan tbh lol
Yay gj dude!
Is that like synonymous with accelerated units?
I like law
Wanted to be a lawyer for a little while too
Funnily enough I'm visiting my HS rn and am sitting in the Eng/His staffroom and just asked my EX1 teacher about your report and he said (as mentioned above) that it means jack haha. It's more so a reflection of your "in-class manner".
I don't get it :/
BBQ sauce is gross lol
I like garlic sauce but when I'm eating really fatty foods (like an HSC) I really don't like dairy based sauces like it makes it taste gross for me even though I love mayo and garlic mayo