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  1. M3riJaan

    General Thoughts: Physics

    is F=qE the same E used in E=v/d ?
  2. M3riJaan

    General Thoughts: Physics

    Tell me about it, i was more uncertain than Heisenberg's principle..... lol not really Who else didnt realise this.. F=ma F=mv^2/r ma=mv^/r a=v^2/r i never saw that before the exam...
  3. M3riJaan

    Newest statistics

    after clicking that i immediately thought i was gonna get rolled....thankyou for not doing that!!
  4. M3riJaan

    seriously, kudos on the inuendo, ive never been so impressed by a girl's sense of humour, and i...

    seriously, kudos on the inuendo, ive never been so impressed by a girl's sense of humour, and i mean that in the least sexist way possible!! :D
  5. M3riJaan

    Cried during the exam

  6. M3riJaan

    theoretical physics?

    LMAO bet u a million bucks that you've been watching the big bang theory!!! lol, if theres one thing to be learned from TV depictions of careers, it's that NOTHING can be learnt from them. A career counsellor once told me that you should spend as much time looking for your best fitting career...
  7. M3riJaan

    Joke time!!!!

    two neutrinos go through a bar....
  8. M3riJaan

    brilliant avatar!!

    brilliant avatar!!
  9. M3riJaan

    girls getting tased for doing automotive

    who else expected a colourfully right-winged SMH article on a spate of sexual abuse?? not me...
  10. M3riJaan

    Paper Leak!

    He's probably screwing with us, dont reply n get back 2 studying!!!
  11. M3riJaan

    How Bad is the HSC stress for you?

    Don't know about you, but i would get that checked out...
  12. M3riJaan

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    dude...they JUST released this paper today...give it time and focus on the other subjects you've got left!!!
  13. M3riJaan

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    nah they did give you enough info, but i wouldn't have been able to do it if i hadn't seen a similar question in a trial i did a while back. if i saw it for the first time, i would have wasted a bit of time on it...
  14. M3riJaan

    band cut offs

    Re: Band 6 Raw? compass?!?! no way all you had to do was show that the triangle from the first part of that q was present in 2 forms in the blank triangle. I actually got that one, not worth the 1 mark though for the time people would have spent on it.
  15. M3riJaan

    wat do u think was da hardest question

    hehe...pie... and yes, changed the whole dynamic of the questions im used to.
  16. M3riJaan

    Thanks for the rep, happy studying!

    Thanks for the rep, happy studying!
  17. M3riJaan

    Burnt out

    The last thing you want to do is accept that you're burning out? That's like accepting failure...the TRUE failure. No matter how much people tell you its not the defining moment of your life, you'll always wonder what could've been. It's like that for any walk of life. So get to it! You can get...
  18. M3riJaan

    New SMH Article: Changes to English/SOR leaving students vulnerable

    Isn't having a vague question a good thing? Doesn't it just mean that you now have a better opportunity to twiss the question to your own advantage? Because i did the exam, the Christianity question, and it asked to show how it is a 'living religious tradition'. I just used that as an...
  19. M3riJaan

    Which test is better?

    exactly what i thought thanks.. yeah its mainly the second half where all the theoretical knowledge is needed, those upper ranked school ones are killers... and most of the BOS ones... I hate that it takes me this long to access my own thread...stupid yr 10ers, what the hell are they worried...
  20. M3riJaan

    Which test is better?

    Kinda late to ask, but i'm wondering what you guys think about which kind of test is a better prep for the HSC, using school's trial exams, or using actual HSC board-prepped exams? And in addition, would it be better to simply go through the harder half of exams? This is in regard to maths...