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    UWS Roll Call 2014

    IT/Business (Accounting) @ Campbelltown
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    so its after..5pm who has their early offer?

    Guys relax, they said after 5pm so it could be anytime from now till midnight. After midnight though I'd say we've all been scammed.
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    economics allnighter crew

    Nah it probably wouldn't I'm on a roll, no question can stop me now
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    economics allnighter crew

    Trade blocs. Slows international convergence. Holy shit I finally answered something. I think I might pass after all.
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    2013ers: How did you study Maths in year 12?

    i do general maths and what is this EDIT: sorry just tryna procrastinate, can you suggest any other way i can procrastinate pls? tnks.
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    Hope you're right man. Thanks
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    Can't tell if srs but thanks.
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    Thanks man.
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    School rank: ~95 Std Eng: 4/55 Gen Maths: 2/61 Eco: 6/17 Business: 13/38 Legal: 14/43 Thanks
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    Could someone please mark my Legal studies assignment for me?

    This should probably be here
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    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    Oh shit. Did any 2U dropper revise prelim? This scares me, I'm gonna go do some prelim now.
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    ATAR Estimate Please!!

    Does your school force you to drop to general maths or standard english?
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    So much to do so little time

    We've had this debate on the forum before, I think they came to the conclusion that English is actually useful if you try but most hate it because they aren't good at it or just don't like the studying process.
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    What subjects are you dropping ?

    Our stupid school doesn't allow to drop anything. They provide us with a board endorsed course in prelim which is 2 units so we've gotta drop it in year 12. Probably the worst approach because i'm going horrible in Economics and I can't drop it.
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    Finished last prelim exam wooo

    Did anyone else have tests on the same day or did your school drag it out to another week? We had people doing Chemistry and Extension maths on the same day. I had Economics and 2U on the same day :(
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    Quantas case study- all topics

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    Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film

    I really tried to refrain myself from viewing this thread because I knew exactly what was within, and boy was I right. I, as a Muslim, am absolutely appalled by the reaction of the Muslims. On behalf of the Muslims who actually follow the teachings of Islam (peace) - I apologise. This is a...
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    Book Stores

    Does anyone know where I can get the Qantas Case Study book? Five senses doesn't have it on their website. EDIT: Nevermind, they put it up just this morning. Does anyone know where else I could get it?
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    English is stupid

    Nice profile pic, does it come in mens?
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    English is stupid

    So I see you're resorting to pointing out my flaws. There's a lot more where that came from.