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  1. littlemonster24

    HSC English --> Ask your questions

    Last question I promise! How many marks is usually deducted for say an essay that doesn't exactly answer the question or a creative story that doesn't incorporate the stimulus?
  2. littlemonster24

    HSC English --> Ask your questions

    Okay thank you and if I could clarify just one more thing about creative, it is okay to end the piece sadly ie the person doesn't belong right?
  3. littlemonster24

    HSC English --> Ask your questions

    For a creative writing piece, is 740 words too less?
  4. littlemonster24

    can somebody give me some strategies for last extended questions in business studies?

    Re: can somebody give me some strategies for last extended questions in business stud Yes you need to know the case study in terms of the syllabus and maybe because the exam is really soon pick some of the main points... And if worse come to worse you can make up a case study not that I'm...
  5. littlemonster24

    HSC English --> Ask your questions

    Question: In paper 1, section III if we are asked for two related texts and haven't prepared two, is it possible to use one of the texts from section I?
  6. littlemonster24

    2007 HSC essay question

    Oh wait a minute! I've just looked at the sample response from another HSC study guide and the external sources of changed they've used are from the Biz mgmt and change topic so economic, social, legal and political, technological! ... Now I'm confused, and I don't think I've helped you either... :P
  7. littlemonster24

    2007 HSC essay question

    I've looked at it again and I think the sample answer is right because basically that just one half of the question, so it requires influences and reasons for expansion but only the external influences so not to like to increase sales.. cause that's not an influence. I think this one required...
  8. littlemonster24

    Do you think in Paper 1 we could be asked for 2 related texts?

    I do standard but I completely forgot about the possibility that in Paper 1 section III they could ask for at least 2 other related texts and i haven't got another related text prepared! I'll have to ensure I know another just incase but do you think there is a high possibility of them asking...
  9. littlemonster24

    2007 HSC essay question

    Yeah I saw that response and I was a little unsure... When I saw external sources of change I thought it would be from the Business Management and Change topic; external influences — the changing nature of markets; economic, financial, geographic, social, legal, political and technological...
  10. littlemonster24

    Business Studies - Section IV Case Studies

    I used to do what michaeljennings said but generally more case study discussion the stronger the response. And btw if you're going to make any info up that's fine but don't do it for a well known business and especially not Qantas because the markers know Qantas inside out.
  11. littlemonster24

    Business Studies - Section IV Case Studies

    Well, I'm no business studies expert but I think that's a pretty good structure. Also, I've been taught that you can easily get the marks in approximately 800 words, they don't require up to a 1000, makes it a little easier. Good luck! :)
  12. littlemonster24

    Cramming for business? :)

    I guess, although it's easy to memorise the syllabus for all 5 topics but there is sooo much content under each stupid syllabus point :( oh well... better get to work!
  13. littlemonster24

    Mc help!!

    Btw from the link I can see that you did 80 questions in 16 minutes...and got all expect 3 right... thats excellent! unless you had already attempted them/ were familiar with them?
  14. littlemonster24

    Cramming for business? :)

    LOl unfortunately I kind of need to do that... so hopefully yes?
  15. littlemonster24

    Business Studies essay case study question?

    That's what my question was actually getting at. Like atm I use Oroton and Qantas as my main ones, but I can use other case studies to support points here and there e.g. E.g. Simsmetal Limited a metal recycling company, is in a joint venture w Birmingham Steel to operate the largest scrap...
  16. littlemonster24

    Business Studies essay case study question?

    Question about section IV, questions 27 and 28, the essay. Should there be a limit on the number of case studies supplementing a response? ie should I only use two case studies per response, or as many cs examples that fit the syllabus section? i've seen some sample responses and they generally...
  17. littlemonster24

    How long are your english essays?

    Omg... but i guess it's easier when you're given the question in advance and you don't have to adapt what you're writing, and like you did just memorise it word for word. Still 1700 words in 50 mins i consider to be A LOT! Or maybe i just have to improve my writing speed :( How the hell did...
  18. littlemonster24

    How many words are your english essays?

    Really?! Oh, well that's good to know!
  19. littlemonster24

    How many words are your english essays?

    Unfortunately I did exactly that in my trials, aced two essays and screwed up my last and it ruined my mark :@