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  1. littlemonster24

    Section IV - Extended Response

    Re: extended response Yeah I ran out of time too and only wrote 4 pages w big handwriting!!! Also, I only used 4 sources of change with 4 reasons for expansion... is this suffiecent?? I think I'll get a bad mark for this section :'(
  2. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies I'm pretty sure its' greenfield strategy involves setting up production facilities in another country.
  3. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies Me too! Its SO annyoing when you get the easy ones wrong :@
  4. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies d) fdi
  5. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies Dude I think you got them all right! Well I chose all of those except I made a stupid mistake w 18!
  6. littlemonster24

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    Im so angry I made a stupid mistake for question 18! How do you manage anger over making silly mistakes? :'(
  7. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies I put b too.. I chose it because of the 'senor positions' bit which relates to the recruitment process etc. hope its right! also because of this act -Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999- ensures selection and promotion on the basis of...
  8. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies The choices were a- it provides loans to small businesses b- provides insurance for farmers c- facilitates the buying and selling of shares d- oversees the stability of the financial system I chose d.
  9. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: General Thoughts: Business Studies The question was how was the role of the RBA best described.
  10. littlemonster24

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: Not hard? Yeah I agree, almost certain it's common law
  11. littlemonster24

    Its over

    LOL burning photocopies! ... that's a good idea actually
  12. littlemonster24

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    Re: time wasting Haha, i know. We must stop!
  13. littlemonster24

    Starting off with business - Ready?

    Haha I feel the EXACT same way. good luck!
  14. littlemonster24


    I actually asked my teacher about that and she said you don't need to round it up but if you do make sure you show working. But i don't think i'm going to round up.
  15. littlemonster24

    Morning before the test!

    Haha yes I think I do get stressed seeing others stressing! And I think I shall take your advice! Thank you so much! :)
  16. littlemonster24

    2011 hsc business studies paper - predictions of the paper!

    but i love employment relations! :(
  17. littlemonster24

    Morning before the test!

    I've always always crammed for almost all my exams but in the past that has always confused me and sometimes i've made silly mistakes because of it! What should I do?? stop studying the night before at like 8pm and not look at my notes after that and just do the exam or stop studying at 8pm...
  18. littlemonster24

    2011 hsc business studies paper - predictions of the paper!

    what do you mean today?... I didn't watch the news today... care to explain? :)
  19. littlemonster24

    Band 6 in Business Studies?

    Off course you can get a band six with study! And while business is very content heavy I think that practical subjects can be a little too stressful imo. In yr 9 and 10 I did textiles (which i loved but ultimately was forced to give up since my school cut it... stupid school) but focused too...
  20. littlemonster24

    for those who are preparing BUZ,,,so have you prepared for english?

    Really!! Is there going to be a new syllabus next year?! I never knew that.... then again I'm always delayed but when was the syllabus last changed?