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  1. Ragerunner

    Is this happened to you?

    doctors will eventually catch the illness of their patients and suffer greatly. Thats my theory.
  2. Ragerunner

    to do on dec 18th?

    I know what you'll be doing.... Flooding the forum with UAI predictions :P
  3. Ragerunner


    They probably have enough people and cbf hiring anymore so they make the interview as short and dodgey as possible :P
  4. Ragerunner

    Assessed and external marks

    The Raw school assessment mark is used as a guide to differentiate students from each other. That mark is moderated by the board of studies to ensure fairness throughout the state. As a result, the raw assessment marks and the moderated assessment marks can vary significantly. That is the...
  5. Ragerunner


    That question is way too general to answer. In some cases, people can screw up a few assessments and still attain a good UAI. In other cases, people may not be able to. It's impossible to really tell. Just try your best with your remaining ones.
  6. Ragerunner


    wah fuck. my uni mark prediction is like Chinese 50 Pass Psychology 60 Pass Maths 55 Pass Computing 20 FAIL
  7. Ragerunner

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    smoking is a turn off for me. if i was a girl, the biggest turn off would be guys who train so much it looks like mountains are growing on their body. looks fkn don't see the point in continuing training unless its for sport reasons.
  8. Ragerunner


    i got a stomach ache....must of been the lobster i ate :S omg, u and minai look kinky in that avatar :P Same sunnies too. rofl.
  9. Ragerunner


    The thing is, it's not because it's 'James Ruse' that makes it lucky. It just so happens they enrol the highly acedemic students, as a result will perform very well in the finals. If a low acedemic student went to James Ruse and performed identically to how he would in a less acedemic...
  10. Ragerunner


    oh your right. wow, i can imagine that being fashionable soon. :D
  11. Ragerunner


    WoW sucks at the start. after you build a decent character, the game is absolute PWNAGE. that...i've got more amazed shooting wooded planks than killing monsters. the game is like godlike! but its multiplayer im not sure how'd popular it would be.
  12. Ragerunner


    she looks in that photo looks like someone shoved a light lamp on top of head...unless that is a hat.
  13. Ragerunner

    Stupid teachers?

    If you feel you are being treated unfairly, bring the situation up to the principal or head teacher. A teacher shouldn't negatively affect your HSC. If so, you have a right to complain and discuss it.
  14. Ragerunner


    Just note that when your coming first, second third or whatever, that doesn't necesarilly mean you will get a good moderated assessment mark. When you are ranked first, if you given the highest exam mark as your moderated assessment mark. As a result, if the highest exam mark isn't very high...
  15. Ragerunner

    Exam Bitching

    When I say I failed, I don't mean slightly less than 15/30.. I mean around 5/30.. :P
  16. Ragerunner


    The raw school assessment marks are only used to determine the relative difference in marks between each student in the year. Those raw assessment marks are moderated by the board of studies to ensure fairness throughout the state. As a result, the new moderated assessment mark could vary...
  17. Ragerunner


    Spent ~$400 on dvd's today. $200 in the city, and another $200 coming in the mail from let the movie watching begin!
  18. Ragerunner

    Exam Bitching

    i couldn't do any of the questions for that comp prac exam lol nothing worked. fucking. even q1 was fuckin bullshit............ oh well, comp1b again next sem
  19. Ragerunner


    i eat anything i want and nothing will happen to me. i love my body :D
  20. Ragerunner

    Jays HK concert

    lol, jay looks like he goes to my high school. thats the exact uniform :D