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  1. Ragerunner


    Can NEVER get sick of this song :D * oһ ůhڱ vʹ0_0ʼKPע ϧ̫Ⱦ * Aדp ĸHĐۅsδ׌ Qn_В HKɈ # Lů͸ҵ һoԵٛ NܰĿ ҈ǰ· ҵŗ ]ɈMH ⌒ǟo Ո׼f־Đ # Repeat * ӛܰһ HKoδ׃ K춵ȵ x Repeat * ӛܰһ HKoδ׃ K춵ȵ x Repeat # # NܰĿ ҈ǰ· ҵŗ ]ɈMH ⌒ǟo Ո׼f•Đ #
  2. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    I understand his explanation reasonably well, but implementing it is another thing...
  3. Ragerunner

    saving word as read only

    pffffft Print screen button is your friend. mwahahha :D
  4. Ragerunner

    Maple help!

    OMG! That's so lucky! Our is a test in the lab computers or something...can't cheat >.<
  5. Ragerunner

    Maple help!

    I haven't even booked my maple exam...and I'm scared because I don't know how to use Maple except for the easy things like in the assignment...
  6. Ragerunner


    awww... I have 9am lectures in which takes me 5-10 minutes to get to uni. muahahha. Despite having three 9am starts a week, I only attend 1 of them :D
  7. Ragerunner


    yeah but 9am start = me sleepy.. therefore can't think :( just like the HSC...
  8. Ragerunner


    8:45am is fucked start :( too sleepy -____-
  9. Ragerunner


    MATH1131 1 Mathematics 1A Tue 22-06 8:45 - 12:00 PSYC1001 1 Psychology 1A Thu 24-06 8:45 - 12:00 COMP1011 1 Computing 1A Fri 25-06 8:45 - 12:00 My Chinese exam isn't listed!! :(
  10. Ragerunner


    damn u ppl, SAY SOMETHING :( :( blah...sleep time!
  11. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    I got some help from my tutor, which didn't help that much. Perhaps you can help explain it? --------------------------------------- > Let's say for the newGame've got: > > newGame pls ans = CdG pls ans > > What am I meant to put to finish the function off? As in...
  12. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    Don't worry, we will get 4 marks for the 2 diaries put together :D
  13. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    I was same as you... I installed 6.2... Then installed 6.0.1.....then installed 6.0....then re-downloaded 6.0.1 from the CSE site....all didn't work..:( Thank god I got unlimited downloads..
  14. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    The cluedo.exe file is here if you want it.. Cyrax sent that to me. Because I can't get my STUPID MAKE to work!
  15. Ragerunner

    Comp 1011 Assignment 2

    All you get is the Cluedo.exe file.. And when you open the exe file all you get is what I just posted above...It's just to show you what the game is supposed to look like.. Then I said...ohhhh so that's how it is....then I looked at the "step" function and I'm like....oh WTF?
  16. Ragerunner

    GPA thingies

    So that find7.pdf file won't really work with MQ systems?
  17. Ragerunner


    I think I scared her.
  18. Ragerunner

    GPA thingies

    Xayma is correct.
  19. Ragerunner

    About UNSW

    yeah and i can have sex with that naked lady and she wouldn't care. she wouldn't tell anyone. too bad she is a statue :(
  20. Ragerunner


    You offering? :P