woolworths is in top 100
and i would invest all 100k into rio tinto or even macquarie if i was allowed to :uhhuh:
i dont think either of those two could go any more lower..with the exception of rio
which might fall only a few more..
edit: after a quick check
rio is at 79.99...
just dont invest in any airline..
and im not so sure if banks are ideal at the moment..
even with the bailout package...because the all ordinaries has fallen quite alot this morning..
i was wondering...if you just left the $100 000 and did nothing to it..your probably going to come in top...
Just make sure your grammar and spelling are all correct or you'll get flamed for it.
And dont start a new thread on how to become a pilot because you'll get flamed for that too!
The best way is to just go down to your local flying schoo. They are more than willing to help you.
lol..ill hopefully be able to try that at a school performance before my lmus exams..
haha that does sound really weird though..
i usually just wash my hands with soap for like 2mins..
isnt really effective..just a little 'ritual' i do