Search results

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    Qantas A380!

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    Past Papers...

    each faculty should have past papers..ask your teacher and they should be glad to help
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    aviation (pilot)

    to milocole: qantas chief pilot package is expected to be around 750k while 744cpt is 300-350k got these figures off a random :rolleyes: decided to post here coz its relevant to this topic
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    For all those planning on taking gap year

    hey can you tell me where that list is? thanks
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    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Age: 15 Job: I teach violin to two of my mother's friend's sons. Pay: $25/hr - 2hrs a day per week hour for each kid started last week
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    Korean Air

    but you dont go around saying you took a QF flight today..or "I took a KE flight today".. you would say Qantas, Kal, Jal, Cathay etc etc.. and i think im right in the context of where he put 'ke' in his sentence.. the call-sign is only used for coms; KE812, descend to 4000ft or something...
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    No Maths! No Science for yr 11 2009! complete opposite too pumped for maths ext and physics.. but i could say that for all my subjects :)
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    what's software design and development?

    Overview: Software design and development is a demanding course designed for self directed students wishing to continue into tertiary education courses such as software engineering and computer science. The preliminary course introduces students to the basic concepts and issues in the desigh...
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    Senior uniforms

    change into white shirt and different tie..@ tern 4
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    grad salary banking

    i) affect ii) i disagree wholeheartedly I doubt those at the top; the ceo's of banks, corporations etc "[A]ffect more positive change in the world". Sure, they might donate to charity and sponser events but most do it only to make a better name for themselves... +1
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    Describe your dream job/career?

    i) qantas chief pilot ii) qantas senior check & training captain iii) qantas senior captain fast tracked to command iv) qantas flight instructor v) kal senior captain on 744 or A380..
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    A quick SC question

    those sentences contradict each other :rolleyes:
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    For all those planning on taking gap year

    probably travel.. or maybe even the adf one..sounds interesting unless i get a qantas gig
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    SC Trial results

    lol..we have an multiple choice sektion and i guessed every sektion except for the first few questions and i get a good score
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    A quick SC question u wood haf too haf baddest speling anned grammer?
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    A quick SC question

    do people get band 1 ?
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    A quick SC question

    are you sure ? i thought if u get a n award in one subject then you lose your school certificate..
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    Korean Air

    i thought all announcements were done in korean followed by english and its kal..not ke :p