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  1. Focus is Key

    Is 2U the same level as 3U in difficulty?

    3u is without doubt more difficult, especially in Year 12.
  2. Focus is Key

    Hardest Humanities subject(s)?

    I'd like to throw in Ancient- definitely the most underrated subject difficulty-wise in my mind.
  3. Focus is Key

    Good Lecturers

    Margaret Bond is the best lecturer out of my first year law subjects- she's so passionate, entertaining and just keeps it all interesting. She's made contracts really interesting and definitely one of my favourite subjects.
  4. Focus is Key

    Do you tell people your test results?

    I'm sure it would depend, for a lot of people at least, on what mark they receive. I remember I would tell my friends and others if they asked only if I got a certain result (maybe like 80% idk). If people asked when I did poorly I'd say I didn't do well and obviously not specify.
  5. Focus is Key

    Friend issues. Am I overreacting? Tell me I'm overreacting and it'll be okay.

    This situation really reminds me about my old 'best friend' of about 10 years. My advice is give her the exact same treatment she does to you. I know it may hurt for a while but you need to move on unless you are able to confront her about it and her behaviour changes toward you. I had a very...
  6. Focus is Key

    HSC general maths mark 2013

    Yep she is one of my boyfriend's best friends- just confirming this again. She deserved it!
  7. Focus is Key

    Help for CAFS students.

    Hey guys, just dropping in. I may be able to help in some capacity with CAFS are studying it, enjoying it and ending up with 96 as my HSC mark :D
  8. Focus is Key

    School Dux Discussion

    Ours didn't. But we have to wait until Presentation Night next year in December :/
  9. Focus is Key

    Is it possible for a person ranked 2nd internally to get a higher HSC mark?

    Happened to me in Advanced Maths- I ranked 1st internally but the guy coming 2nd ended up with a mark 1 higher than me.
  10. Focus is Key

    School Dux Discussion

    Hahaha I think I've duxed mine and I only just got over 91- low ranking school ftw!
  11. Focus is Key

    What happened???

    Okay, my Ancient teacher gave me marks of 98 and 97 for the trials and half-yearlies respectively. My hsc mark was 85. Just accept that your school marks too easy and you were too overconfident. Forget about it- you can't change the past but you can always work on changing the future. Hold your...
  12. Focus is Key

    Atars are out

    Matrix estimated me like a point higher, still really happy though
  13. Focus is Key

    Mark Check is it worth it?

    My English Advanced mark was worse than expected.. an 86 (I expected 89-90 and was averaging a little over 90% throughout the year)
  14. Focus is Key

    First Place in Course List

    I know the girl who came first in General Maths- really happy :)
  15. Focus is Key

    Merit Lists on 17th December?

    Omg I don't want this...
  16. Focus is Key

    14 more days.

    I don't care much at all in that I'm 100% into the uni course I want so it's not like I'm freaking out. However, I still had an aim and I am just curious to see how it went.
  17. Focus is Key

    Do you write or type your notes?

    This is really important and I fell into this one a bit myself. Start making notes early so you actually have lots of time to re-read them.
  18. Focus is Key

    CAFS 2013 Paper Solutions

    Thanks so much Kat :) Makes me feel more comfortable with my answers :)
  19. Focus is Key

    CAFS 2013 Paper Solutions The paper is linked above. Just wondering what people put for the MC answers. Also, if anyone that has scored well in CAFS in the past can look through a couple of questions (15, 17, 18 and 20 in particular) and...