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  1. Focus is Key

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Please dear god let this be true; this is what I did but everyone else was posting different answers so I got worried.
  2. Focus is Key

    Q11 Post answers

    [/B] Same
  3. Focus is Key

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    [/B] How do you know they're all correct?
  4. Focus is Key

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Hoping its D because I guessed completely.
  5. Focus is Key

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    What was 10, everyone got diff things?
  6. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    That's what I did but I thought it was wrong.
  7. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Yep I can confirm this!
  8. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Oh thank god! I did a really complex process and got a wrong answer. Then I just manually worked it out. If you just write 7 years do they give 3/3 marks?
  9. Focus is Key

    2013 math difficulty

    I found it difficult. I hated how they put hard questions throughout the paper :/ I think it was too difficult for the average student.
  10. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    For the Kim and Alex question, where Alex reduced the amount by 1/3 each time what did you get?
  11. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I think I did pretty poorly. I felt intimidated because Question 16 wasn't necessarily the hardest and I felt it was just a bit harder in general. Think I got like 70/100.
  12. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    I heard the average is much higher than that. As in like 18-19, although this years will be lower.
  13. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    An Ancient history marker told me the usual average for Section 4 is around 11/25 approximately. If that's the average usually this year it could be like 8-9/25 lol.
  14. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    There were literally only three people out of 20 remaining in the exam room by the end at my school lol. My teacher will probably be upset when she reads the paper cause she just skimmed over a lot of the material.
  15. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    If the people on here (the top calibre of students) stuffed it then everyone did. What's worse though is having no safety net like I do (ranked 1st in a 400+ ranking school. So there's no-one to pull my mark up. We just need to put this energy into Maths study!
  16. Focus is Key

    How many pages did you write?

    Haha, crafty! 500 words difference seems like a lot, I'm surprised they weren't suspicious!
  17. Focus is Key

    How many pages did you write?

    Lets hope our HSC markers have microscopes on hand lol
  18. Focus is Key

    How many pages did you write?

    A- 5 b- 4 c- 5 I have small writing :/
  19. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Does anyone remember the exact wording of the question?
  20. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    I got confused on the 'What hasn't been found question', because a forum in Herc has been found it just hasn't been excavated. According to online info the main street functioned as its forum.