Hi everyone,
I attained an ATAR of 99.95 and will be selling BAND 6 HSC resources for a few of my subjects:
- HSC Chemistry Notes (Core and Option...
I'm struggling to decide:
- fathers and mothers in Muslim households: the hierarchy and how it influences the children's' perception of marriage and their roles as husband/wife
-"Helicopter Parenting"--> the impacts on the identity and socialisation of children
- Mrs What's-her-name: the...
Our class is deciding on which option we should choose (already) for the HSC course. It's a toss up between:
- Industrial Chemistry
- Shipwrecks
Which one would be best to pick? For those who have done either option, which is the easiest, less demanding to learn?
Thanks, y'all!
Hi all,
I've got a chemistry open ended investigation coming up soon. The task is:
Choose resources to measure the change in temperature when substances dissolve in water, and calculate the molar heat of solution.
I've got a pretty good idea of the method I will be following, but can't...
I'm doing Society and Culture... but so many people are telling me that I should've chosen Ancient, particularly because Society isn't a subject you can rote learn? Is this true? I have heavily relied on memorisation to get top marks... and am worried if I have made the wrong choice by picking...
Hi everyone,
I'm really unsure as to whether I should continue with maths tutoring at Talent100 or go to another coaching college?? I've been hearing mixed reviews about it... and I'm undertaking the 3 week free trial to see how it is. So far, it's pretty good and I'm liking it. But I really...
Hi guys,
Should I change from society and culture to ancient history?
Which one is the easiest to study for, and get a Band 6 for? Also, which one is the easiest to rote learn?
Don't really like Ancient, but partially worried about how much time the PIP will take from my other subjects...
I'm currently in year 11 and cannot quite decide what my approach to this year should be. Should I take it easy, and relax before going hard out in Year 12, or should I work harder this year in preparation for the next? Should it be a worry if I don't ace every single subject in Prelim?
How hard is it to study for society and culture, and how hard is it in general to get a band 6? Can you rote learn most of the content? Will it be difficult to balance a P.I.P with my other subjects--- 2 unit maths, advanced english, chem and bio?
Thanks peeps! :)
Open discussion on ways Yr 11 and Yr 12 kids should manage and organise their time to excel in the HSC.
Any advice, tips, recommendations and experiences would be appreciated, as I personally need help with time management!
Anything you regret doing or not doing in your Prelim years that you...
Hi guys, I'm a year 11 student who's tossing up between keeping chemistry or swapping it and doing ancient history instead? Although Chem scales well etc etc, I'm struggling in it and don't find it very interesting. I think I could do well in both, but much better in ancient.
Would this be a...
Hi there,
Am currently a Yr 11 student. I'm considering picking up 4 unit maths next yr but am not sure as to the difficulty and possibility of doing well? I'm a really hard worker and do pretty well in Maths. Can I cope with the following subjects combined that I've planned to select in yr 12...
I'll be heading into Year 11 this year and really want to know if anyone has any advice they want to give on how to prepare myself for the HSC and how to best ensure success for the upcoming years? Any tips you'd like to give that maybe you didn't have given to you, or that you wish you could go...
I've been hearing information here and there, about different coaching colleges in Sydney. I really need to select one for my final 2 years of high school, and I'm struggling to decide which one offers the best services and can guarantee quality education/assistance.
Apparently Matrix is the...
Hi all,
Once again, another year 10 student seeking assistance in regards to subjects. I'm dying to know whether the subjects I've chosen for Year 11 and 12 are too much to handle and too demanding:
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Ancient History
- English (Advanced)
- English Extension 1
- Mathematics...
Struggling to decide between picking 3 units or 2 of Maths. Already doing Extension English, so not sure if 3 units will be too much to handle, or actually worth the effort and more beneficial than 2 units?
Need to decide by today guys!
Thanks :)