Search results

  1. babylupin

    'Angel' Episodes

    Hi! I'm just suggesting some 'Angel' episodes that people could use for imaginative journeys. s1 Rm w/a Vu I will remember you s2 Are you now or have you ever been Dear Boy Through the looking glass s3 Birthday Waiting in the Wings s4 Spin the Bottle Orpheus s5 Soul Purpose Smile...
  2. babylupin

    Angel and BtVS

    Hi. i was wondering if anyone here was interested in these show...i'm betting there are becaus ei know buffy was huge (and still is). angel i didn't even hear of until about 3 months ago...and now i cannot get enough of it... i really want to see buffy, and was wondering if it was as good...
  3. babylupin


    Hi... just wondering if anyone is as obsessed with mash as me... :D bbylpn
  4. babylupin

    Drop Dead Fred...any veiws?

    Hey y'all! :wave: Has anybody here seen the movie drop dead fred with Rik Mayall? I'm doing it for my Advanced assessment... i was curious as to whether anyone has seen it? bbylpn
  5. babylupin

    Sara Bisel...Can anyone help please?

    Okay, on of the questions on my ancient hostory assignment is: Evaluate the limitaions and reliability of evidence in relation to our inderstanding of Pompeuu and Herculanuem. You should not only consider pliny the Younger but also evidence of recent historians such as Sara Bisel and Haruldur...
  6. babylupin

    Ethanol as a Car Fuel

    What do you guys reckon? Personally, i think it is a fantastic idea. Whatever is better for the environment gets a big fat green tick in my book.
  7. babylupin

    Australian Endotherms and Ectotherms

    Hey People. :wave: I'm new here, but i really woudl appreciate it if some one coudl help me. i have this biolody assignment, and i have some information, but it is not enough :confused: Okay, here's what i have to do: 1. Choose 2 Australian Endothermic and 2 Australian Ectothermic...