no the 2014 rule only applies to continuing students
all new students (who start from 2010 and after) have to complete them regardless of when they will finish their degree
it's great how everything on the site contradicts something else or doesn't even answer the question
if you're planning to major in ancient history do ancient history units + whatever else sounds interesting
some people find politics useful with law, but really it doesn't matter what you do... personally i'd say do the units you consider interesting even if they're not related to law because...
essentially it doesn't matter as maycat said... but you can email the convenor explaining that you're unable to register for the lecture and they're able to increase the number of places
i'm tossing up between ints204 - latin american histories and ints210 - modern chinese history....
has anyone taken ints210 (previously hist250)... how much was the exam weighted? and was it hard?
leaning towards ints204 since its all assessment based and i hateeeee exams
ah thanks, yeah must be my password then gah i don't remember resetting it =\
not sure what time enrollments open, but its only an hour or so til 12 so might as well check then
what are the changes they're introducing to the course?
So far I think these have been mentioned:
- INTS303
- specifics of language component changing somehow
- internship isn't compulsory and is in 2nd year
- exchange is 3rd year
what else..?