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  1. technicolour

    Share your 2010 HSC results here

    English (Adv): 92 Legal Studies: 89 Gen. Maths: 91 Modern History: 90 History Ext: 43 Society and Culture: 96 ATAR estimates have all been around 96.
  2. technicolour

    this late into the year, and we're still running in circles...

    Yeah, I try not to use Warren too much either. You should try the bos resource section for historiography. Most of the resources there are great. I pretty much survived on the historians mentioned by Warren and some out of the bos resources. For the JFK section, try having a read of the...
  3. technicolour

    this late into the year, and we're still running in circles...

    What sort of resources have you got? Warren for the core is always a great place to start, and Bastian does a great JFK section.
  4. technicolour

    PIP questionnaire - heroes

    Sorry! But thankyou so much!
  5. technicolour

    PIP questionnaire - heroes

    Thanks :D It's not strictly necessary to fill out all the text, but I thought I'd put them there just for the chance of some useful commentary.
  6. technicolour

    PIP questionnaire - heroes

    no, i got it. :) thankyou!
  7. technicolour


    Basically, Marxist ideology outlines a few economic stages that need to evolve before there can be a communist state. In Marx's view, capitalism had to evolve before the proletariat could become large enough to attempt to overthrow the bourgeoise. Lenin knew Russia was only just starting to...
  8. technicolour

    Subject you like/dislike most?

    I love Modern. Hate English with a passion right now. Comparative study isn't too bad, but Jesus, belonging = fail.
  9. technicolour

    Half Yearlies, anyone else have theirs?

    Mine start tomorrow. Why I'm on here is completely beyond me. My timetable is pretty decent, except for Thursday when I have both Society & Culture and Modern. That day will be death. I hate belonging so much it's ridiculous.
  10. technicolour

    PIP questionnaire - heroes

    Hey guys, below is the link to my PIP questionnaire about heroic images within the media. It would be much appreciated if you could take a minute to fill it out. :D PIP Questionnaire - Heroes Survey
  11. technicolour

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    Maybe just a bit late signing in, but oh well. Subjects in sig.
  12. technicolour

    Are my subjects for yr 11 crap? :(

    Please ignore the people that talk about scaling. If you do subjects based purely on the scaling system, you'll most likely end up hating them and doing bad anyway. 90+ is more than achievable in every combination of subject, you just need to work hard. If you have interest in your subjects, it...
  13. technicolour

    Do you actually enjoy the subjects you do?

    I'm loving all of my subjects except for legal, but that's more to do with my teacher. Adv. English is death at the moment. Boo to AoS.
  14. technicolour

    Who else has no motivation?

    I have an essay that's killing my life right now. What did I do? I came on here with the sole purpose of procrastinating. I'm such a lazy bugger.
  15. technicolour

    When do you sleep?

    Usually bed at 10:30-11 and wake up at 7-7:30. Pretty average.
  16. technicolour

    Are you considered dumb if you get tutoring?

    Tutoring isn't just for dumb people. It can help a lot with things like English because you get some different perspectives. It can really help if you have confidence issues with writing and expression. Having said that, those people who are coming first in the year for everything and need no...
  17. technicolour

    Should I drop Ext. History? Advice Needed!

    I was thinking about S&C, His. Ext. and English Ext. 2 when we were making our subject choices, and my teachers were really strongly against me doing all three of those. You have to be extremely organised and have fantastic coping mechanisms to handle all of the major works. It just depends on...
  18. technicolour

    Who thinks they are going to get 99.95 ATAR this year?

    It's people who *expect* to get 99.95 that I literally want to shoot. I'm glad they think so big of themselves. The rest of the world doesn't.