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  1. M


  2. M


    so much help you're giving ^^ you must truly be very delightful to know :rolleyes: Now would anybody who doesnt have their head up their arse like to give an answer?
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    OMG can someone get this guy some glasses? lets read my question... Do many people wear boardshorts at university? wow your little grammatically incorrect sentence does not answer that in any way... I did not say can i wear boardshorts? or is it acceptable to wear baordshort? No, clearly it says...
  4. M


    wow a bunch of 09'ers and 10'ers think they know everything about uni =/ gl guys... you all seem like very nice people biopia: yea... i read in that thread and saw that students normally wear jeans... i was just wondering if many people wore boardies... :|
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    un ban them :p
  6. M

    Wud u prefer a virgin or some1 experienced?

    virgin like myself
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    do many people where boardies to uni?
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    hecs help

    ooo okay, thanks everyone that has helped me heaps :D
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    hecs help

    okay i was reading a booklet from the government about hecs... just to clarify some things it says you have to get the sheet from your provider(is this the uni you're attending/going ot be attending?). do we have to wait till we get offers before we can apply for hecs-help? thanks
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    B arts???

    in a bachelor of arts do you get to decide what type of arts... i was looking through the uac book and i couldnt find B business management anywhere... so i was wondering if this comes under B arts? thanks
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    important: men and women ;)

    watch this video, its also educational YouTube - Dave Chapelle - Men and Women Phsycology - Very True
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    Burnt out

    do the chicken dance
  13. M

    need help on a heap of questions... x1 exam in 2 days >.>

    it seems i can't attach anything but these questions are out of past HSC'scan anyone help me with these (1993-5aii-7bi)(1994-4ciii-6a(ii)(iii)b)(1995-6biii-7d,e)(1996-4c,iii-5c(iv)-6eii-7all)(1997-3c(iv)-4cii-5bii)(1998-2ciii-3c) thankyou, greatly appreciated
  14. M

    rectilinear motion

    haha thnx *banging head on desk*
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    rectilinear motion

    this is from maths online but the answer isnt explained enough for me to understand =( show d/dx(1/2 .v^2)=dv/dt the solution goes LHS=d/dv(1/2.v^2).dv/dx i get that part, but the next part, it goes =v(dv/dx) so how does d/dv(1/2.v^2) go to v any help is appreciated thnakyou =)
  16. M

    help me please

    simply, in the school rankings list it has exams sat/ DA/ % okay i know what exams sat means, how many exams were sat at that school what does DA mean, isit the amount of band 6's achieved at that school, or isit the amount of people who recieved a band 6 at that school and % means the...
  17. M

    Odd permutations question

    yea if its beads in a circle u go (number of beads-1)!/2 thats waht i use when u c something like this, or if its something else in a cricle that is not a sphere type thing eg a tv u just go (number of tv's-1)!
  18. M

    help the dumb dumb again

    o i undertand now thanyou