Cos the manager hired some random korean guy recently. So idk cant guarantee you can get the job but i can put in a good word for you if you still wanted to drop your resume off. Its pretty boring, the job, boring and tedious and you cop alot of shit from faggot customers. I got heaps more...
Had my lecture again today. Was lost again throughout most of it again, but not as much as last week.
BTW might be a stupid question but, when people say do your 'readings' does that mean read your textbook?
Also are the online MyLab shit any good? I haven't been on it yet...
yeah im embarassed. i seem like an idiot. BUT IM NOT lol
"free" insurance stuff as in you can refund it?
lol cos if you want a refund you have to pay like $30 or something
or are you talking about something different...?
Haha luckyyy!!!
But bro, first time i ever purchased something like this and of this price.
So it was a massive learning experience and he got me good, like really good. Oh man he is a biiigest Kahnt! But im over it now so no worries. I'll think of that money as money i should not have earned...
Yo PEEPS! (unfortunately) i was persuaded into buying the 'really cheap paintball tickets' during UNSW oweek. I saw the exact same paintball stand at USYD oweek! Please read because its worth it, will take 1-2 minutes and its not as boring as it looks. :)
Heres the story:
He (sales guy)...
yeah man. everything has to do with uni atm. trying to fit in socialising both which is really easy (sarcasm). and im working on sundays, sometimes friday cos i got the day off. what days do you have off? and are you still looking for a job?
why are you ruining my thread for?
it was all going so smoothly. by the 10th page i was estimating at least 2 green bars for being so active on the site ><
LOL you faggg cant believe you still troll about on BOS.
Hahahaha i had a green bar before and everyone keeps lowering my rep thing whatever it is because im annoying.
Nah its all good man. Just that lecture of which this thread is based on got me so mindfucked and scared.
How are you finding...
yeah wtf why aren't there any solutions to these damn questions.
i realised we have to pay for textbook solutions... what is this!? is this real life!?
woahhh you sickcunt!!
thanks man. is that actually you in your prof picture thingy?
hopefully its not a link to download some...
i was never on red bar?
but back on topic and since week 3 of uni is starting tmrw:
i feel a bit better that i am not the only one who found/is finding fins1613 confusing/difficult.
thank you
by the end of the subject i think i deserve to have 10 green bars like everyone else.
LOL ok ASIAN wouldve been my 3rd guess...
BTW i have one really big question!!!
Should i write topic notes for finance!?!?? One of my mates who did the course said all he did was practise all the questions and stuff through the textbook but he was pretty freaky (smart).
So would it be better...
haha wasn't asking for help. i probably wouldn't help someone with a subject i hated heaps too lol
you're prof pic thingy is so mysterious. i cant really put any face/race to you.... its kinda like leunig's cartoon man.
i can imagine you being black though.